
Conversation Logging - Printable Version

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Conversation Logging by bigben1021 on 01-01-2005 at 08:21 PM

just after a bit of advice on conversation logging for msn.

at the risk of sounding like a complete noob, would i be correct to assume that the sent and recieved messages are stored as variables within a msn conversation.

if this is the case, would anybody be able to tell me the name of these such variables.  i am developing an application in VB6 which i require to obtain and record sent and recieved messages from within msn.

cheers, Ben

RE: Conversation Logging by Plik on 01-01-2005 at 08:31 PM

using the messenger API its

oCovosation window is the IMessengerConvosationWnd interface of the window you want to get the history of
RE: Conversation Logging by bigben1021 on 01-04-2005 at 10:58 PM

Just wanted to thank you for your very fast reply, although i havent been able to get on here until now.

anyway, thats helped a lot. great forums ;)

cheers, Ben