
Timed Away Message - Printable Version

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Timed Away Message by mbannon on 01-14-2005 at 06:58 PM

I just reinstalled Mgr Plus and I can't figure out how to get one feature I had before.  In the previous installation I was able to have Plus switch me to "Away" status at midnight and back to normal operations at 0800.  It also allowed me to have a unique auto-response during that time.  Can anyone remind me how to set that up again?  Thanks.

RE: Timed Away Message by Plik on 01-14-2005 at 07:00 PM

You probally did that using the task scheduler.
Open it up by going to the plus menu and clicking "Task Scheduler".
You can then chose the time to change you status and ther personalised status to set it to.

RE: Timed Away Message by mbannon on 01-14-2005 at 07:13 PM

Thanks guys.  I think I have it set up right now.