
THE QUESTION!!! - Printable Version

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THE QUESTION!!! by matt60 on 01-24-2005 at 08:16 PM

Hi! is it posible to put a specific avatar for a specific msn contact? Becoz i would like to put some awesome girls pictures but my girlfriend is verrryyyyyy jealous! And when she sees it she becomes mad! So i would like to know if it is posible to put a pic only for my girl like a beautiful big heart lol and crazy chicks for my friends? thx you to answer me :d

RE: THE QUESTION!!! by user27089 on 01-24-2005 at 08:23 PM

Nah, it ain't possible, ur dp is connected to every of ur users, it can't connect to one specific person, it would use the servers a lot more...

not possible sorry :D

RE: THE QUESTION!!! by saralk on 01-24-2005 at 08:28 PM

why dont you put a beautiful picture of your girlfriend, then everyone is happy :D

RE: THE QUESTION!!! by matt60 on 01-24-2005 at 08:32 PM

thx u for your answer... but i'm truelly disappointed! lol well no matter i will continue to change my pics the moment my girl will be connected, i'll keep this idea for the futur becoz it would change my avatars' life!! :)

lol i already did it Saralk, but i like to change sometimes, coz my girl is awesome but i see her everyday, so that's why ;)

[Image: edit.gif]