
How to change message in MSN Window - Printable Version

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How to change message in MSN Window by alebowgm on 02-01-2005 at 02:46 AM

OK, I Know this can be done but after a recent hard drive failure (ugh!!!) I am now reinstalling many of my programs. I had previously setup Plus! to change the message that is displayed when a new message window is opened, changing it from the Credit Card message. However after looking around, I am unable to find where this option is.

A friendly reminder would be greatly appreciated,


RE: How to change message in MSN Window by matty on 02-01-2005 at 03:14 AM

raceprouk's reply to creditcard thingie

Please search the forum :mipdodgy:.

RE: How to change message in MSN Window by alebowgm on 02-01-2005 at 04:01 AM

I did a quick search, and well I know how it feels to always say that (from other forms), it is a situation right now where I am just trying to get restoral done ASAP and dont have the time, to say the least...

Thanx for the response...