
New plus! not working with new beta - Printable Version

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New plus! not working with new beta by Lucky Me on 02-15-2005 at 09:01 AM

Helo,can anyone help me out please!!!
Hi everyone,i'm new here..
I downloaded the latest beta 7.06 version but lost my
plus version on it:@
So i tried to download the Newest version plus! 3.40,
But now this version gives an error saying thet i must have
msn/windows version 4.6(minimum)!!!!
I just downloaded the latest version...HELP!!!

RE: New plus! not working with new beta by Chestah on 02-15-2005 at 09:03 AM

The latest 7.06 beta is illegal to be using and therefore plus does not support it at the current time (also due to incompatibility changes in this version). The new version of msgplus is currently being beta tested now and will be released in the upcoming months.

RE: New plus! not working with new beta by Tochjo on 02-15-2005 at 09:04 AM

You should not use version 7.0.0604. It is not officially released and it was not meant to go public. Messenger Plus! won't work on it properly.

It is advised to go back to MSN Messenger 6.2 or the official public release of MSN Messenger 7.

THATS WAT I CALL FAST.... by Lucky Me on 02-15-2005 at 09:28 AM

Thanx ....:bow:
I didn't expect answers that fast answer..:wave:
I'll remove it as quick as i can then..
Thnx guys..
I hope i didn't lost all my plus! settings...

RE: New plus! not working with new beta by Menthix on 02-15-2005 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Lucky Me
I hope i didn't lost all my plus! settings...
I don't think you will.

- When you upgrade Messenger Plus! you will keep all your settings.
- When you uninstall Messenger Plus! you will be asked if you want to keep your settings
- Installing/upgrading/downgrading MSN Messenger will never affect your Messenger Plus! settings.

So don't worry :).
RE: New plus! not working with new beta by Anubis on 02-15-2005 at 05:44 PM

There's been many of these threads, perhaps we need a sticky thread explaining this, and leave until 3.50 is out...

Hip Hip Huray!!! by Lucky Me on 02-15-2005 at 08:22 PM

I had to uninstal en reinstal messenger 7.0....
And PLUS! 3.40 latest.
At first it looked like i had lost all my pluggins..:@
But when i restarted my computer....^o)
I had everything back as normal.....
Thanx to y'all off course..
I downloaded 7.06 from Mastaline,so anyone...
So guy's and girls....I'm back in bussiness