
Forum Downage! - Printable Version

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Forum Downage! by matty on 03-14-2005 at 04:11 AM

Its just like the server load! hahahaha

[Image: attachment.php?pid=404028]

RE: Forum Downage! by Purity on 03-14-2005 at 04:11 AM

Answers my question....

RE: Forum Downage! by wj on 03-14-2005 at 04:13 AM

Quiet you. We really dont need to hear it every time. Were normally aware of it :-P

RE: Forum Downage! by WDZ on 03-14-2005 at 04:14 AM

I'm really sorry... totally my fault. :$ :$ :$ :$

I was testing a new MySQL query and it must have gone into an infinite loop or something. When I tried to kill it, I got a "too many connections" error and couldn't access MySQL at all... :S

All fixed now.