
Plus! feature not working in MSN v7.0.0777 - Printable Version

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Plus! feature not working in MSN v7.0.0777 by alegator on 04-11-2005 at 02:09 AM

I recently upgraded MSN v6 (the latest build) to MSN v7.0.0777. In both cases I had (still do) Messenger Plus! (latest version). In version 6, when I hovered the mouse above a contact in the contact list the Plus! button would appear to the left of the contact's icon in the contact list. That feature does not work with v7.0.0777 and now to access Plus! I'm forced to take the longer route of right clicking the contact and go to Messenger Plus! Extras in the there a fix for this? Thanks.

RE: Plus! feature not working in MSN v7.0.0777 by Weyzza on 04-11-2005 at 03:11 AM

In the change log:

The Plus! icon that was appearing on the left of contact names in the contact list is not available in MSN Messenger 7 anymore (I'm working on an alternative).

Sorry :sad:
RE: Plus! feature not working in MSN v7.0.0777 by alegator on 04-11-2005 at 04:08 AM


RE: Plus! feature not working in MSN v7.0.0777 by Chestah on 04-11-2005 at 04:09 AM

The Alternative is of course the Plus! icon above the contact list near the "My Space" and "Msn Today" buttons. Patchou couldn't put that icon back in as theres not enough space to do that anymore :(