
New Popup - Printable Version

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New Popup by grigiski on 04-20-2005 at 10:20 AM

I updated to the new Messenger Plus and now I'm getting a poppup from messenger services saying I'm infectedd and my system can crash. I should go to this site to remove it. ( howevever it it is a site requesting payment to remove said popup.
Can You help on how to remove this???????

RE: New Popup by .Roy on 04-20-2005 at 10:23 AM

This isnt related to Messenger Plus! unless you installed the sponsor to go with it.

If u installed the Sponsor then go here :

But if you didnt then i suggest you run a spyware/adware scan on your computer.

I suggest you run Ad-aware or Spybot Search and Destroy ;)