
Winamp question - Printable Version

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Winamp question by phy on 04-23-2005 at 04:38 PM

Hello peeps :)

K you know how if you're using jetAudio (the software) you can put it in toolbar mode so that it appears as a nice little bar over your taskbar? Is there a way that can be done with Winamp too? *-)

RE: Winamp question by Stigmata on 04-23-2005 at 05:52 PM

here are a selection :) ^^

RE: Winamp question by phy on 04-23-2005 at 06:10 PM

Mmmm thanks for the link but I was wondering if there's a toolbar option such as this one:

jetAudio isn't the best for playing mp3s and all but just because it has that particular toolbar option, I like it. But then again I like that new option in MSN to show what song's playing but jetAudio doesn't have a supported plugin yet. Sniff I'm torn between the two - use a program that I like more or use an option that I think is super cool. What to do? What to do? What to do? :'(

Yes I do tend to get overly dramatic at times :$

RE: Winamp question by John Anderton on 04-23-2005 at 06:18 PM

Well after seeing ur pic ... there is a feature like that in winamp 3 and 5 :cheesy:
On the top of winamp there r 3 buttons
the right most one is to exit winamp (x)
The left most one is to minimise it (-)
The middle one makes in a bar :cheesy:
try it ... i can be done ;)
I cant post a pic cause i deleted the winamp modern skin and haven installed any winamp 3 skins so i have some 20 awesome winamp 2 skins that randomly change when the song plays :cheesy:
My pc works faster that way :P

RE: Winamp question by phy on 04-23-2005 at 06:23 PM

Yah I sort of already tried that. But you know what I dont like about it?  I hope this makes sense because I dont know how to explain it but the thing is that it doesn't stay in the front all the time. With jetAudio, you can be using whichever program and it still appears above the taskbar. With this particular Winamp option, you actually have to be active in Winamp to see it. Tell me that made some sense :$

You dont think I'm being too demanding do you? (a) :$

RE: Winamp question by John Anderton on 04-23-2005 at 06:41 PM

Just turn on Always on top :cheesy:
Press alt+a
Or u could rt click on the main window and then goto options in the submenu u'll see alwayz on top :)
thats it ur done :)

Originally posted by phy
You dont think I'm being too demanding do you?
Not yet :P
RE: Winamp question by phy on 04-23-2005 at 06:45 PM

Oooo yay yay yay! (h5)

I think I love you. Thanks :) (A)