
MSN Groups prblem - Printable Version

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MSN Groups prblem by Exca on 04-29-2005 at 02:36 PM

My friend who is traveling all over the world has got a groups where he posts his pictures he took. Later this week he's having a problem with the filesize of his pictures. They are all the same resolution and practical the same filesize, but somehow, when uploaded, some pictures are viewed on a very big resolution and the picture turnes out to be 1.8mb, which eats his filespace. The others are normal size with some KB. It's still a JPG image, but when you rightclick to download you only can save it as .bmp :S. I told him not to change his camera settings, and not to increase quality and resolution etc. But it seems that he didn't change anything....

Anyone experienced this problem before? or knows the solution?

RE: MSN Groups prblem by CookieRevised on 04-29-2005 at 03:49 PM

Two things can be happening (actually 3 things if you count the fact that he accidently did change some camera settings):

1) Either the files are not BMP's and not 1.8Mb, but due a browser bug (Inetrent Explorer) they can only be saved as BMP's. So nothing to worry about when you use a different browser.

2) The files uploaded are not JPG's but another format (like for example BMP's) and thus increased in filesize. This can occur if you don't pay attention when you download the files from your camera with specific software.

So to pin-point the exact cause, we need a bit more info. Like: What browser is being used to download the files from the net. Is he using "special" (but unneeded) software to download his pics from the camera (and thus maybe accidently converting some to another format).

All in all, and because of "some pictures are viewed on a very big resolution" I rather suspect he did change the camera settings or a conversion takes places when grabbing the pics from the camera...

RE: MSN Groups prblem by Exca on 04-29-2005 at 05:08 PM

Okay thanks, i'll give him the link to this thread.
