
Addon for "emoticons panel" what was it called - Printable Version

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Addon for "emoticons panel" what was it called by Fredzz on 05-07-2005 at 02:56 PM

Hmm ive read somewhere few days ago, that someone was having problems because the emoticon panel of plus wasnt that nice, because when they have bigger size emoticons and animated, it would look all messed up..

And someone suggested an addon, i think for MSN, that would give you a nice panel showing all your emoticons and their normal size..I even remembered that that addon contained spyware, but if we removed the spyware, the panel would work just fine..

I searched and i found one, but it looked stupid.. and i remember to see, in that old thread a screenshot of that addon, and it wasnt the same as the one in mess. So anyone remembers the name of the addon or thread? ive searched:$

RE: Addon for "emoticons panel" what was it called by CookieRevised on 05-07-2005 at 03:02 PM

2 second search with: emoticon panel
bigger emoticon panel possible?

Ps: also read "CookieRevised's reply to Searching"
