
msn messenger/spaces annoyance - Printable Version

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msn messenger/spaces annoyance by Tel_y2k on 05-20-2005 at 08:30 AM

This isn't a query directly related to msgplus but having read through a few threads I feel if i'm going to get help anywhere with this prob it will be here.

my girlf has a small but annoying problem: I'm sure your all aware of the feature in the new version of messenger 7 where when one of your contacts has an msn space & upon updating it you'll get a small star to the left of their name in your contact list informing you of an update.

When she clicks the star, she's forwarded to the standard passport login page & then afer logging in onto the default msn home page (I think it's msn today or or something like that).

Never is she forwarded to the the msn space she's trying to view even though she's logged in & has permission to view the space she's trying to access.

We've tried clearing cookies, logging in with another sign in name, reinstalling messenger & msgplus & a myriad of other miscellaneous things that we thought might be wrong with it, she has a reasonably standard install of windows & the comp is free of spyware & other nasties.

(she does see updated space info on the contacts contact card when she clicks the "star" though) I realise it's not an end of the world problem but it is beginning to bug her & I as everyone else's messenger I view has  no problems & upon clicking the "star" goes straight to the space.

I would be very grateful for any help or advice anyone can offer as it's driving us banana's!

RE: msn messenger/spaces annoyance by Eljay on 05-20-2005 at 08:32 AM

if you have the stuffplug-ng plugin installed try turning off its feature called "open all links in default browser"

RE: msn messenger/spaces annoyance by Zephyr on 05-20-2005 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Tel_y2k
When she clicks the star, she's forwarded to the standard passport login page & then afer logging in onto the default msn home page (I think it's msn today or or something like that).

That happened to me once. I just typed the password and checked for it to remember me and after that the spaces worked fine, even with the open all links in default browser of stuffplug ng.

I think it's something to do with the microsoft passport system being changed.