
somethings have stopped working - Printable Version

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somethings have stopped working by claireabell on 05-31-2005 at 12:15 PM

Hi to any who can help me with this...

I have newest versions of both MSN and Plus!

My email notifications come in fine, but when i then click on either the pop up notification, or the email button in MSN, they dont work!

I can also not view profiles- right click on contact, click profile, and nothing happens...

These things have been working, and I have no idea why it stopped.

Any suggestions?


RE: somethings have stopped working by Anubis on 05-31-2005 at 12:23 PM

Do you have StuffPlug-NG installed?
If so does going to Plus > Preferences > StuffPlug-NG > Uncheck StuffPlug-NG then click OK. Does this resolve the problem? If you wish to continue to use StuffPlug after, uninstall it (Start > Control Panel > Add\Remove programs > StuffPlug-NG > Change\Remove). Then go and download the latest version from

If you do not have StuffPlug-NG, the above does not apply to you, and you may want to try this;
- Uninstall MSN Messenger (Start > Control Panel > Add\Remove programs > MSN Messenger > Change\Remove > Follow Uninstaller)
- Reboot your computer
- Download and install MSN Messenger again.

If you use XP, for the control panel to be displayed like I said you will have to "Switch to classic view" and some of the wording may be different on older versions of Windows.

RE: somethings have stopped working by claireabell on 05-31-2005 at 01:45 PM

cheers. it worked!!