
widescreen and dock - Printable Version

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widescreen and dock by saralk on 06-15-2005 at 07:49 PM

If I have docking enabled, and I dock my contact list to the side, then when I restart my PC and open up the contact list, it always gets moved a bit to the left.

Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger Client Version: 7.0.0813
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.54.0132

[Image: attachment.php?pid=480611]

RE: widescreen and dock by matty on 06-15-2005 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by saralk
If I have docking enabled, and I dock my contact list to the side, then when I restart my PC and open up the contact list, it always gets moved a bit to the left.

Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger Client Version: 7.0.0813
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.54.0132

[Image: attachment.php?pid=480611]

Doesn't happen to me, what is your resolution? Mine is 1200x800 on my laptop.
RE: widescreen and dock by saralk on 06-16-2005 at 11:44 AM

mine is 1200 x 800 too.

RE: widescreen and dock by RaceProUK on 06-16-2005 at 01:44 PM

I used to see my Messenger window being moved over, and I'm running a plain 4:3 monitor (1024x768). It happened for a while, then stopped.
I think, if you do a clean shutdown of MSN, it remembers it was over in the docked position. It'll then recover that position on next running.

Edit: Can people at least see if my suggestion works? And by clean shutdown I mean right-click icon > Exit.

RE: widescreen and dock by wj on 06-16-2005 at 05:29 PM

It happens on my laptop, 1600x1280

RE: widescreen and dock by saralk on 06-29-2005 at 07:00 PM

i am bumping this, it is quite an annoying bug :p

RE: widescreen and dock by Fr3d on 06-29-2005 at 09:18 PM

try docking it on the opposite side...
what other apps startup when you turn on your computer?
as a last resort, try uninstalling messenger plus!, msn messenger, and maybe even windows messenger... backup and remove the reg. entries too... then reinstall and see if this helps ;) :D

RE: widescreen and dock by Patchou on 06-30-2005 at 04:40 AM

Finally found and fixed, thank you for insisting :).
Just so you know, the normal behaviour when you restart your computer and Messenger is docked is that the window should appear undocked to its original position after the restart.