
problems using Nero - Printable Version

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problems using Nero by vazstar on 07-10-2005 at 04:56 PM

ive got the latest Nero program, but seem to have problems creating photo slideshow dvds. it all seems to go fine, right up to the burn process, then when the burn is almost complete, it says that there has been an error and the data is too complex, or something like that.
i dont think that the problem is with the dvds used, as ive tried several different ones, and the same message keeps appearing.
please help!!

RE: problems using Nero by Sypher on 07-10-2005 at 06:40 PM

It sounds strange, I've never had this problem before..

I know DVD's are not too cheap, but with a screenshot of the message, or the text in the logfile, the "debugging" is a lot easier..

I suggest you uninstall Nero and reinstall it (download a fresh version from the Ahead site)

Ah, and do you have problems when copying or burning "normal" dvd's (no slideshow dvd's) and what kind of burner do you have?

RE: problems using Nero by vazstar on 07-10-2005 at 10:03 PM

thanks for your help, ive somehow managed to sort it out!
