
Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out - Printable Version

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Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-28-2005 at 06:07 PM

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that longhorn beta 1 is out and I am using it.  I got a MSDN version of it from the company I work at and I gotta tell you first hand that it is awesome.

here are some improvments

1) New shell
2) New icons
3) NO windows messenger anymore wohooo
4) NO Outlook express anymore looks like a scaled down version of outlook
5)  New installer of windows it's an image file not copying from CD to PC from what I can tell
6) IE 7 is there and it looks like Netscape 7.0
7) New bacground images and new themes.
8) it's more secure as much as a beta can be anyways.

That's all for now.

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by albert on 07-28-2005 at 06:08 PM

(Y) congrats, I wish I could have it.. have fun testing it out, and give us infos when u get the time :)

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Kryptonate on 07-28-2005 at 08:02 PM

Paul Thurrott's first review about it:

Btw, I heard you could get the beta sent to you on DVD by MS.

Originally posted by Savior
New installer of windows it's an image file not copying from CD to PC from what I can tell
Well, you still have to burn the image file on a DVD for the setup.
RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-29-2005 at 03:25 PM

do you have the link to get ms to send the longhorn by dvd?

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Stigmata on 07-29-2005 at 03:40 PM

Takes years to install


RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-29-2005 at 03:46 PM

well took me about an hour to install

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Stigmata on 07-29-2005 at 03:47 PM

ive been on the starting setup screen for ages now :S

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by ShawnZ on 07-29-2005 at 03:49 PM

The interface is AMAZING.

Nice sig stiggy :P

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-29-2005 at 03:53 PM

Hey stigma where did you get it?

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Stigmata on 07-29-2005 at 03:57 PM

Microsoft :)

where else? ;)

RE: RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Anubis on 07-29-2005 at 04:54 PM

Nice to see a BETA version of Longhorn up and about, hopefully MS will keep their estimated dates for Longhorn. I can't wait for the finished version of the operating system, however I hope it does live up to its revolutionary hype. When it comes out I hope its cost is relatively low priced, because so far I can't say that I'm heavily impressed with it, nor do I see any features that will be really useful that XP can't provide in some form or another.
Longhorn tbh, just seems like a heavily organised version of XP with all the trimmings.

Originally posted by Stigmata
where else? ;)

* Anubis smells warez
I know you're a BETA tester dude, just messing with you :p
RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by mwe99 on 07-29-2005 at 05:44 PM

Hmm sounds quite good. Can any of the testers comment on the stability of the product?

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by ShawnZ on 07-29-2005 at 05:59 PM

Quite stable. Runs perfect on 256mb but i havent installed much

oh, did you say tester? sorry :$


RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by mwe99 on 07-29-2005 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
Quite stable. Runs perfect on 256mb but i havent installed much

oh, did you say tester? sorry :$


lol okay erm anyone who has aquired it by any means.

Well im glad its stable, MS beta's seem to be quite stable lately (IE7)

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-29-2005 at 06:08 PM

share the link?

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by albert on 07-29-2005 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
Quite stable. Runs perfect on 256mb but i havent installed much

:s I was sure I read somewhere that Longhorn would only work on 512 MB min.!.. but hey.. if it works on 256.. even better :)

Originally posted by Savior
share the link?

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by ShawnZ on 07-29-2005 at 06:12 PM

People have been shitting false specs from every hole lp15, if your computer runs xp fine ill put money down that it will run vista ok.

Problem is the window effects make it lag quite a bit when alot of programs are open, 3d games and things dont work, and barely any drivers.

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by albert on 07-29-2005 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ

Problem is the window effects make it lag quite a bit when alot of programs are open, 3d games and things dont work, and barely any drivers.

ok ye but youre talking bout the beta right.. the final will be fixed no? cuz what use will a OS be if you cannot play any games or use any devices cuz ur drivers aint working..?
RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by ShawnZ on 07-29-2005 at 06:18 PM

It has support for most new devices. If it doesnt you can install longhorn build #5048 and copy over any drivers that arent already in Vista

And games might work if you disable the effects

And why are you 'recomending' it if you dont even know how good it works? :refuck:

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by Savior on 07-29-2005 at 06:37 PM

I was running it at home with 256mb of ram and it worked fine.

RE: Longhorn Beta 1 aka vista is out by mwe99 on 07-29-2005 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Savior
share the link?

Originally posted by Savior
I was running it at home with 256mb of ram and it worked fine.

Thats a bit confusing, you want the link but you say you're running it :S

Anything really good on it? lol