
MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown - Printable Version

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MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown by driftfox on 08-04-2005 at 07:46 PM

Recently when using my computer, MSN Messenger will reach 99% CPU useage and I'll have to close it down. My computer will act weird (other programs reaching 99%) so I'm finally forced to restart my computer. While it is shutting down, I receive a pop up saying that "MPWnd_Hooker" isn't responding and I have to click the "End Task" button in order to continue. Once my computer has restarted all works fine again.

If I restart my computer before MSN Messenger has this problem, then I do not receive the "MPWnd_Hooker" error, which leads me to believe Messenger Plus is the source of the problem.

1. Has anyone else had this problem?
2. Has anyone with this problem found a solution?
3. Is this actually related to Messenger Plus?

Thanks for all help, it is much appreciated.

RE: MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown by absorbation on 08-04-2005 at 07:52 PM

have you scanned for viruses? i have never had of this problem with plus! before :S

RE: MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown by RaceProUK on 08-05-2005 at 11:10 AM

That definately is a Plus! window, though I'm not sure what would be causing the problem. You may want to do what Absorbation said, and check for viruses (and adware/spyware while you're at it). Also, what are you doing when the problem happens? Is it reproduceable?

And if you haven't got MSN Messenger 7.0.0816 and Messenger Plus! 3.54.132, then get them and see if it still happens ;)

RE: MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown by Janner on 10-01-2005 at 07:56 AM

I had this too, twice! I'm not sure if this is related with MSN or Plus, but I had it when mIRC was'nt responding, and the window that says it doesnt respond was'nt responding too :o. I also had Mediacenter not responding, I really dont know what that is ...

RE: MPWnd_Hooker error on shutdown by digito on 12-14-2005 at 04:19 AM

i'm actually getting that too.

the MPWnd_Hooker.
it didn't happen before and out of the blue it appears after every shut down.

Virus check, nod32, and trendmicro online..... adware, spybot, MS AntiSpyware; nothing shows up.

any suggestion why this happens suddenly out of the blue?


i have the latest msgplus along with the latest stuff plugin.