
MSN Messenger signing in Problem - Printable Version

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MSN Messenger signing in Problem by risk_reversal on 08-14-2005 at 12:12 PM

I wonder if someone can help me please. I have the following problem.

When I sign in to MSN Messenger (v6.2.0205), I get the MSN logo turning (2 people) and it says signing. The hourglass sysmbol is on the screen but after about 30 seconds or so the 'Sign In' box reappears on the left hand side. The hourglass symbol also just remains there and only disappears if I click on the 'Sign In' button again.

I do not get any kind of error message.

I access the net by way of broadband but this also happens when I try accessing the net with a modem. I have tried to disable my AV+FW (norton unfortunately) but to no avail. Uninstalling an reinstalling messenger made no difference. Also this problem seemingly manifested itself from 'one day to the next'.

In the first instance I did read the sticky as regards problems associated with signing in with messenger and wondered if the registry fixes could be used in my particular case ie not getting an error message at all.   

Many thanks for any info you can provide

RE: MSN Messenger signing in Problem by absorbation on 08-14-2005 at 12:17 PM

you should try the new msn messenger you are using 6.2 which may be the cause of the problem ;)

RE: MSN Messenger signing in Problem by risk_reversal on 08-14-2005 at 12:31 PM

Many thanks for your reply Absorbation. Hear what you are saying, I do however run this particular version on other installations without any kind of issues. Usually, with older unspported versions (as you are aware), login failure is accompanied by a message instructing the user to upgrade which I do not get.

I will have a go with a newer version. In case this does not resolve my problem, are the various registry edits provided in the thread below relevant.

Appreciate that in some cases fixing msn messenger seems to be more a 'black art'.
