
Depend menu items on user settings - Printable Version

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Depend menu items on user settings by SWINX on 08-14-2005 at 04:52 PM

Hello all,

The menu items of the plugin are set when MSNM loads.
Is there a  possibility to set or change menuitems when a user logs on to MSNM. I need the MSN address, that the user is gonna use. When MSNM starts, you only know the previous one.

When I know the current address I can retrieve his/her settings, but the menu of the plugin is already done. Can I still change the menu at this point?

Hope someone can help me.

RE: Depend menu items on user settings by matty on 08-14-2005 at 05:46 PM

You could create your own Menu's using the Windows API instead of setting them with Plus!

RE: Depend menu items on user settings by SWINX on 08-14-2005 at 06:34 PM

Thanks, but I have not worked with the Windows API before. Could you please give me an example, or some other helpfull information?

RE: Depend menu items on user settings by matty on 08-14-2005 at 08:28 PM

How To Hook Msn Messenger In Visual Basic

RE: Depend menu items on user settings by SWINX on 08-14-2005 at 09:47 PM

That works nice. It don't know if I should ask it here, or kick the old topic, but is there a common way to add such a menu to a Conversation window?

The code finds a window called "MSN Messenger", but when I want to find a Conversation Window, it English it's called not the same as in German, French or Dutch. I've used to code of Mike sofar.

RE: Depend menu items on user settings by Millenium_edition on 08-14-2005 at 09:58 PM

replace the line

Case "MSNMSBLClass"
Case "IMWindowClass"

note: the code doesn't look for the window named "MSN Messenger", it looks for the window with class "MSNMSBLClass", which works in every language of MSN Messenger.