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pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by M A C on 08-20-2005 at 06:46 PM

i have a very imp chat log saved in my chat log files. i have locked my chat logs through a password. Now the problem is that i am unable to open one of the chat logs (which is v.v imp) and i m getting the message
"this file hasnot been encrypted by Messenger Plus ! (or this file is corrupted)"
I want to open this file at any cost :( plz if any one of u can help me out of this situation. All the other files of the same time are accessable but not this particular one :(........ Please help me in solving this problem. I want to open it !!!

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by Sunshine on 08-20-2005 at 07:10 PM

If it's not readable in notepad, wich it isn't if it's encrypted by Plus! and Plus! can't open it then it is indeed corrupted. Unfortunately there is no way to repair corrupted logs.

You could try a systemrestore to right after the log was created, if you are lucky it hasn't been corrupted from the start (doing this will make you loose everything thats made on your comp afterwards, including updates and programs installed after that date). Note: A sysrestore should only be used as last option because of these consequences.

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by M A C on 08-20-2005 at 09:06 PM

plz don't tell me that i have losed that file :'( seriously i want it at any cost.....
plz try out some way, i don't know how to do the system restore ????? how do v do it ???if u cud guide me :$ ????

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by mwe99 on 08-20-2005 at 09:30 PM

As far as i know system restore does not affect your files. as sunshine said there is no way to restore corrupted logs

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by M A C on 08-22-2005 at 09:16 PM

so it means the file is no more...... it's lost :( ?

RE: RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by CookieRevised on 08-22-2005 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by M A C
so it means the file is no more...... it's lost :( ?

unfortunatly yes....

Since you used the logging system of Plus!, did you disabled the MSN Messenger logging feature? If not, there is a slim chance that the log still exists as a MSN Messenger log. Look into the logging directory of MSN Messenger itself for the log...

Note: password protecting should only be used if you totally disable all other logging-systems (like the MSN Messenger one), otherwise it is of no use that you use password protecting...

I also advise that password protecting should only be used when absolutely nessecairly (eg: public computers) to avoid problems like this. Password protecting isn't a toy or something to look cool, it is a security feature which needs to be handled with care since it is a one-way street; passwords can be lost and files can be lost or even corrupted beyond recovering very easly...
RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by M A C on 08-24-2005 at 10:28 PM

hmm, how do v look into the loggin directory of MSN MEssenger ?????? can u plz guide ????
coz i don't want to lose that particular file

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by CookieRevised on 08-25-2005 at 01:40 AM

I can only show you a screenshot of MSN Messenger 6.x, but it is the same in 7.x, only the layout is a bit different...

For MSN Messenger 6.x: Go to "Tools > Options > Messages" and you will see:

[Image: attachment.php?pid=520331]

If you have enabled that option and thus have selected a directory there, chances are that the log can be found in that directory as an unencrypted XML log.

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to that directory. You can open the log itself by opening it in Internet Explorer (or any other xml compatible browser for that matter).

If you don't have a directory listed under that option, then there is nothing more we can do, the file is lost....

RE: pLeaSe HELP me out of this problem :( by M A C on 08-25-2005 at 09:36 PM

i guess i have lost it... coz i have disables that option :'(