
Messenger Plus UNATTENDED, how to? - Printable Version

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Messenger Plus UNATTENDED, how to? by Jedi82 on 08-20-2005 at 08:10 PM

i red how to unattended Messenger Plus on my winxp unattended cd but i noticed that the tricks for language don't work. After the first login of my winxp i have always my Msg + plus in english and i would like it in italian!

I put the reg key, after, before, during but nothing...what to do?

Also, how to block the opening of the homepage for the petition in my unattended cd? I sign many days ago the petition so, it's only because this page anoy me:):)

Patchou you rulez!

RE: Messenger Plus UNATTENDED, how to? by matty on 08-20-2005 at 08:33 PM

From what I remember the unattended uninstall is only available in english. I will talk to Patchou when I see him online and see if he can add a parameter to set the language to be used. What you have to keep in mind though is when Plus! is installed each user can have different languages and there isn't a way to change the default language thus Plus! wouldn't know what user to set the language for.

RE: Messenger Plus UNATTENDED, how to? by Eljay on 08-20-2005 at 08:38 PM

read the section titled "How can I do an automatic installation in an alternate destination folder or language?"

RE: Messenger Plus UNATTENDED, how to? by Jedi82 on 08-20-2005 at 08:41 PM

i red this topic:

but no chance sigh