
Links causing crashes? - Printable Version

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Links causing crashes? by Ansette on 09-08-2005 at 06:45 PM

This is a problem, not one I suffer from thankfully however my gf every time I send her links finds her comp crashes (or at least MSN Messenger does) would anyone have a clue as to why?!

RE: Links causing crashes? by Nathan on 09-08-2005 at 06:47 PM

Has she got the latest update of msn?
[offtopic] Isn't there a virus were it sends links and you get a virus, would she have that virus do you think[/offtopic]
Plus dos she have a antivirus?

RE: Links causing crashes? by Ansette on 09-08-2005 at 06:49 PM

it's not her sending the links.. it when I send them to her.. and to my knpowledge she has the basic version of the 7.5 client (e.g. without the update going around... mainly because i havent done it! lol) and they did have NAV however last time i was there it worryingly wasn't...

RE: Links causing crashes? by Nathan on 09-08-2005 at 06:53 PM

Well I think she should try 7,0 again and see if that stops the problem.
I  also think she should giveher pc a virus scan :)