VistaBlog Second Edition - Printable Version
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VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:20 PM
You might remember that a month or so ago, I released VistaBlog, in Standard Edition, and Limited Edition.
Well, I am now happy to present VistaBlog Second Edition! 
After getting all the bugs together, and thinking through some things, I decided to correct all the problems I found with VistaBlog, as well as make sure that all bugs found by various people were fixed. However, due to the lack of demand, I am no longer doing a Limited Edition. 
Read more on the VistaBlog Second Edition page (and see working demos) at: http://www.bluealiendesigns.net/vistablogse
Let me know what you think.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by ShawnZ on 09-09-2005 at 07:20 PM
Hehe. Vista Blog SP2
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by ShawnZ
Hehe. Vista Blog SP2 
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-09-2005 at 07:28 PM
Are you the one who did this ???
its my blog lou got it for me. Cuz if it is its the Limited Edition and i need the Second Edition
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:35 PM
Yea, that's a Limited Edition one. 
Just note that there isn't an easy way to upgrade from v1.0 Standard and Limited Editions to Second Edition. The graphics may look the same, but there are a few layout changes within the backend, that ruined the graphic layout when I tried.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Luigi on 09-09-2005 at 07:36 PM
Really impressive, I like it, maybe I'll use it on my next blog template change 
* Luigi adds to favorites.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:40 PM
The downloads are currently broken... 
The site software seems to think the download link is a URL alias...
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-09-2005 at 07:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fourjays
Just note that there isn't an easy way to upgrade from v1.0 Standard and Limited Editions to Second Edition. The graphics may look the same, but there are a few layout changes within the backend, that ruined the graphic layout when I tried
Well since i only have a few posts cant i completely remove it and start again?
And is there a SE Limited??
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by SonicSam
quote: Originally posted by Fourjays
Just note that there isn't an easy way to upgrade from v1.0 Standard and Limited Editions to Second Edition. The graphics may look the same, but there are a few layout changes within the backend, that ruined the graphic layout when I tried
Well since i only have a few posts cant i completely remove it and start again?
And is there a SE Limited??
Yes, you can remove the old one (or you can keep it, and just upload the new one, and activate it instead). 
No, there isn't an SE Limited (as stated in my first post).
Downloads are now fixed.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-09-2005 at 07:53 PM
ok as u also said where is the Theme Switcher plugin and how do i add because louhabs added for me. is there a simple way u can tell. I know hwo to FTP and stuff but dont know how to add new one. And i also see there are multime skins so the theme switcher changes em? Ok i think i already asked where to download it and add it.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 07:59 PM
Theme Switcher can be found here: http://boren.nu/archives/2004/10/13/theme-switcher-plugin/
Simply place the php file in wp-content/plugins/, then activate it via the admin. 
Just something you could try (but you would need to edit the style.css to change the template name recognised by Wordpress), is to simply take one of the SE packages, and overwrite all the image files with the ones from your LE edition. Should work, as I don't think I change any of the image dimensions in the php code. See if that works. 
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-09-2005 at 08:22 PM
All i did was replace the images and it looks different now.
Is that all the update??? just new pics?
And also is there a plugin where i can add all the image fiels from each one one ur site and u can pic what it is like Theme Switcher
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-09-2005 at 08:26 PM
No, the main files are updated. Improved code and better browser compatibility, amongst other things.
I was saying that if u wanted to keep the appearance from your LE one, you could copy the images from the LE template, and put them in the images folder of a second edition template. Should work.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-09-2005 at 08:28 PM
ok im dumb. Will leave this to lou_habs. He installed for me.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by [MR] on 09-09-2005 at 09:20 PM
the demos are kewl
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by -dt- on 09-10-2005 at 03:42 AM
kinda looks bad on bigger resolutions.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by prashker on 09-10-2005 at 03:45 AM
I love white space. Didnt know that could happen.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by expert on 09-10-2005 at 04:10 AM
i put it in my bookmarks if i ever make a blog
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by John Anderton on 09-10-2005 at 07:28 AM
I hope it has all the solutions to the bugs that i fixed 
I also found a few more bugs and solved them so talk to me some time 
I wont download the new one cause i <3 my LE 1 So can you tell me the new updates that you added on msn
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 09:56 AM
I designed it for 1024 x 768, as that seems to be the most common resolution at the moment. As it is sliced images, there is no way to make it fill any resolution.
Its actually quite a hard design to make do what you want it to do, because the design is limited by what HTML, and the Wordpress template system allow... There are now quite a few other Vista styled templates out there, but they are all fairly rough representation (saw one that is basically a stripey background, with a rounded glass look in front - doesn't really look like Vista at all, so idky they called it that...).
I think all the major bugs are sorted now... Only one I know of, but a fix is difficult without making something look stupid...
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by John Anderton on 09-10-2005 at 10:08 AM
How does lj's version work then ?? Does he have the same problem ??
Anyways .... what you could do is put the whole window with text thing in the center of the screen, then take the bg image and take the transperancy thingy part of the walls of the "vista window" (the semi transparent part) and put it there. Then just call the entire image as the background.
For higher res compatibility, have a bg that has a uniform colour of the outside and then use the style.css to put the entire bg colour as the same colour so that there wont be any whitespace (but still the window and the pix will be on the left corner and that problem cant be solved by my idea )
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 10:12 AM
That just confused me. 
Lee's worked with transparent pngs, over a background...
Problem is it won't work in IE6 for obvious reasons... 
There are ways to do transparency in both browsers with CSS. Maybe I'll work on a completely different VistaBlog, or maybe just a template that is transparent with support for any background. 
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Eljay on 09-10-2005 at 10:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by John Anderton
How does lj's version work then ?? Does he have the same problem ??
my version (which i cbf working on now ) just used transparent images and the background was a huge stretched wallpaper
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by John Anderton on 09-10-2005 at 10:36 AM
The transperancy doesnt work in IE so cant you just have a browser detect function.
If its IE then use cut pix only in those positions and if its FF then use the transperancy function ??
Different css's ....
quote: Originally posted by Fourjays
That just confused me.
Take a wallpaper that fades out on its edges into one uniform colour (eg cerain shade of blue) then use that same colour for the bg in css.
Then there wont be any white space .... only some blue space but it could look "ok" cause its .... well ..... fading out
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 10:55 AM
Ill have a play later, and see what I can come up with.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by John Anderton on 09-10-2005 at 10:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by Fourjays
Ill have a play later, and see what I can come up with. 
I have a few vista wp's i think that could be useful for use with my idea
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 12:09 PM
I think I might just make a version that has true transparency support. Need to do some research first though.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 12:44 PM
Well so far there are a few ways to do it...
1) The way John Anderton suggested - could get a bit messy though.
2) Add a transparency into the CSS for the images. This works to an extent in IE and Firefox. Doesn't work in Opera though.
3) Use javascript to force IE to render the PNG properly. (Lee's suggestion).
I think 3 is probably the best, for ultimate browser compatibility at the same time. Of cource, I have to remember that IE 7 is supposed to have PNG support as well as better standards compliancy.
I could say "shove it" to IE and do it with PNGs, but IE's market is still probably too big to ignore...
What do you think?
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Millenium_edition on 09-10-2005 at 12:56 PM
it is a very appealing look, i have to agree.
but, i think the space on the sides is totally not well used and takes ages to load, for just a background picture.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by John Anderton on 09-10-2005 at 12:56 PM
True .... IE is too big to say shove it unfortunately .... i agree with option 3
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 01:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Millenium_edition
it is a very appealing look, i have to agree.
but, i think the space on the sides is totally not well used and takes ages to load, for just a background picture.
There wouldn't be much point in doing the glass look, if there wasn't any space left for you to see the background...
I might scrap any further work on VistaBlog. People like it, but then there are those who just seem to be picking holes in it, forgetting how hard it is to make something look as close as possible, while maintaining as high as possible compatibility levels. Your limited by HTMLs limitations, while trying to make it fit onto any resolution and browser...
I should be spending my time on doing payware templates really...
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by hmaster on 09-10-2005 at 01:12 PM
LOL true, have you thought about using less images or is it not possible?
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Millenium_edition on 09-10-2005 at 01:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fourjays
quote: Originally posted by Millenium_edition
it is a very appealing look, i have to agree.
but, i think the space on the sides is totally not well used and takes ages to load, for just a background picture.
There wouldn't be much point in doing the glass look, if there wasn't any space left for you to see the background...
I might scrap any further work on VistaBlog. People like it, but then there are those who just seem to be picking holes in it, forgetting how hard it is to make something look as close as possible, while maintaining as high as possible compatibility levels. Your limited by HTMLs limitations, while trying to make it fit onto any resolution and browser...
I should be spending my time on doing payware templates really... 
heyheyhey, not so pessmistic! 
try to think of it like this: you're trying to get over the html limitations and you'll gain more experience to make better payware templates!
learning never hurts. plus, you could add a few "you want me to design your site?" or "donate if you like my work" links if you really need money. (just a few idea's)
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 01:52 PM
I made VistaBlog because the only ones I could find were really basic glass effect designs that barely looked like Vista (ie: there is one that ahs a stripey background, with a glass front, that looks nothing like a Vista Window).
I wanted this to actually look like Vista. I can't find work arounds for what it ideally needs to do though. 
Each method has a con. I probably need to really simplify it, so it is LESS like Vista, but still MORE like Vista than other "Vista" templates. 
One idea is to do it like other Vista screenshots. Have a basic content area with PNG images for the "glass" effect. Then do the black sidebar to the right.
One idea (although I have no idea how and/or if possible), would be to have the minimise button work, so it "minimises" to the "taskbar" in the template, allowing you to see the background in its full glory. That would probably require a hack in Wordpress...
Maybe I SHOULD cease VistaBlog, and start on something that has glass like VistaBlog, but is more open to change... 
Let me know your suggestions on what you would like to see... 
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 09:17 PM
Unfortunately, making a proper, transparent VistaBlog isn't going to work. After spending many hours playing in Photoshop and other things, I got nowhere.
I tried:
- Javascript to force IE to show PNGs. Worked, but when I set images to stretch, it made some peculiar mess...
- Filter for opacity on the images, in a seperate IE CSS. This stretched the images height-wise, for no reason really. It also made the complete image transparent, so any shadows or w/e failed to work. 
- Various other experiments, all of which failed.
I think I'll work on making a new, super cool template for Wordpress (and other software). After all, people will get bored of Vista when its released. lol.
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by albert on 09-10-2005 at 09:55 PM
I got the first edition myself but the second looks a little better, especially the fire one.. 
Nice job
RE: VistaBlog Second Edition by Fourjays on 09-10-2005 at 10:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by lp15
I got the first edition myself but the second looks a little better, especially the fire one.. 
Nice job
You mean Burning? 
It isn't actually fire, its a sunset, but its well cool.