Shoutbox e-mail problems, who do i contact? - Printable Version

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+----- Thread: e-mail problems, who do i contact? (/showthread.php?tid=50788) e-mail problems, who do i contact? by Sunshine on 09-22-2005 at 05:12 PM

Lately my e-mailaccount has gone from bad to worse. I haven't been able to send messages for quite some time now, i could still recieve e-mails on the account. Then this week i noticed loads of spam in my account inbox containing strange characters (i preview them with mailwasher), ofcourse i didn't download any of em to my computer and bounced them all. I suspect it was a spambot sending those e-mails to me.

And now i received this e-mail:


Message has been disinfected : Your Email Account is Suspended For Security Reasons

Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:27:31 +0100


Please read the attached document and follow it's instructions.

The attachment is called wich i was unable to open because of missing or corrupted header.

My first reaction ofcourse was to reply to that e-mail but no such luck:

<>: host[IP] said: 550
    sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1) (in reply to RCPT TO command)

So now what? What is going on? Who can i contact about this?

Please do not spam this thread with "i want a e-mail account" or "I never got my e-mailaccount".

Edit: edited out e-mailaddy and IP of mail.eq.sys

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by L. Coyote on 09-22-2005 at 05:15 PM

Chris Boulton and wj were setting up the mail server afaik. You should PM them. (Y)

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by Dempsey on 09-22-2005 at 09:15 PM

I get a lot of emails similar to that for a few of my domains and It's just SPAM/virus.  Not much to do really except ignore it.

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by RebelSean on 09-23-2005 at 02:35 AM

I've emailed Sonicboom quite a bit over the past few months, and I haven't gotten a reply from him. I guess he's either stopped worrying about this service, or he's lost his internet.

While were on subject about the new upcoming service, I do hope we will get a better web-based client & better spam protection. I wonder will there be a decent spam filter in place.

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by wj on 09-23-2005 at 03:24 AM

Were taking it over. Not sure how soon, but were working on it. We'll make sure to keep you guys up to date.

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by Patchou on 09-23-2005 at 05:14 AM

I promise I'll soon work on that, sorry for the delay everyone.

RE: e-mail problems, who do i contact? by Sunshine on 10-18-2005 at 06:44 PM

I tried to login online today (to see if i could send e-mails from there) and got the following:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: crypt_hcemd5 in /hsphere/shared/apache/htdocs/horde/lib/Secret.php on line 43

P.S. I'm still trying to figure out why i can't send from my msgplus addy through my pop3 e-mail client whilst i can through sites (i can send e-mails from Soundpack DB..but well that's to members there only). Receiving works fine (downloading to my pop3 e-mail client).