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Can't find some features... by w3wil on 09-28-2005 at 03:18 PM

On Version 3.60.144

How to disable the automatic update of MSG + ? (SO said me this is the way to add spyware...)

Where is the option to remove the advertising shape of MSN ?


RE: Can't find some features... by L. Coyote on 09-28-2005 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by w3wil
How to disable the automatic update of MSG + ? (SO said me this is the way to add spyware...)
You can disable it by changing a registry value...

Look through the list here to find more options (the key is AutoUpdateNotification) and you can use Plus! Tweak! to modify it, instead of doing it manually. :)

Also, auto-update is completely safe. (Y)

Originally posted by w3wil
Where is the option to remove the advertising shape of MSN ?
This is no longer possible through MsgPlus!. But a popular plugin called StuffPlug can do this and many other things (the site has a complete list of features). (Y)

Edit: (Y)
RE: Can't find some features... by w3wil on 09-28-2005 at 03:55 PM

Maybe I'm stupid, or unlucky, but I can't find "AutoUpdateNotification" key in my registry ! :(

Edit: Understood ! The key does not exit by default and I had to create it. Thanks to MsgPlusTweak !

Thanks for your help !