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Conatacts by Nathan on 10-12-2005 at 05:39 PM

Hi all,
I was wodering how old you haave to be to wear daily contact lenses?
I'm 13 and i hate glasses ( i hate wearing them and they make me look gay :P)
Dpes anyone know?

RE: Conatcts by user27089 on 10-12-2005 at 05:41 PM

Well, I think you can wear them if you're over twelve years old...

RE: Conatacts by FrozenDaggers on 10-12-2005 at 07:03 PM

How can glasses make you look gay? Are they like bright pink or something?

RE: Conatacts by user27089 on 10-12-2005 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by FrozenDaggers
How can glasses make you look gay? Are they like bright pink or something?

I think he means it in a metaphorical sense, I think he really means that they make him look stupid :p... Some glasses suit people, my glasses don't suit me at all, so I only wear them when I really have to...
RE: Conatacts by albert on 10-12-2005 at 07:16 PM

TBH, contact lenses are a drag.. Im the kind of guy who never really has time, so even though I got about a dozen pairs in my bedroom, I'm always using glasses.. The fact u always gotta take em off before sleeping and etc. just doesn't rlly fit my style of life.

Note also that it is not recommended to wear contacts when you're young, why? I do not know,, but it is not recommended, I know that for a fact..

I only use mine for sports, seeing as glasses could be dangerous when getting a soccer ball on ur head..

RE: Conatacts by user27089 on 10-12-2005 at 07:20 PM

You can buy five day lenses, so that you never actually have to take them out afaik :s...

RE: Conatacts by mwe99 on 10-12-2005 at 07:29 PM

You should speak to a qualified optician, who can provide further information if contact lenses are suitable for your use.

RE: Conatacts by albert on 10-12-2005 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by traxor
You can buy five day lenses, so that you never actually have to take them out afaik :s...

:| Unless it's a new technology, LENSES SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT IN YOUR EYES WHILE SLEEPING! They could dry out, and there, cause huge problems!
RE: Conatacts by ddunk on 10-12-2005 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by lp15
Originally posted by traxor
You can buy five day lenses, so that you never actually have to take them out afaik :s...

:| Unless it's a new technology, LENSES SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT IN YOUR EYES WHILE SLEEPING! They could dry out, and there, cause huge problems!

It's not that new of technology, it's been around for a while now.
RE: Conatacts by Facta on 10-12-2005 at 07:45 PM

I know ppl under 13 that use contact lenses :S

RE: Conatacts by mwe99 on 10-12-2005 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Facta
I know ppl under 13 that use contact lenses :S

It can probably vary from person to person hence its sensible to go and ask an optician
RE: Conatacts by segosa on 10-12-2005 at 10:31 PM

I started with lenses when I was around 13, and I still have them now (18). I use soft lenses, change them every month and I don't sleep in them.

RE: Conatacts by dotNorma on 10-12-2005 at 10:39 PM

I know twelve year olds that wear contacts.

I wear one week contacts and sleep in them.

RE: Conatacts by Purity on 10-12-2005 at 10:50 PM

I wear both, I only wear my glasses if my contacts need a break
or something, These contacts you can keep in for a hole month, and you
can wear them to sleep and in water!! :cheesy:

RE: Conatacts by SikStyles on 10-13-2005 at 12:22 AM

i've had glasses for a long time and now a while ago i switched to contacts and when i was at the opticians i saw probably a 3rd grader gettin contacts, very young, and very whiny :dodgy: ofcourse after he got the test ones in he started crying because they were bothering him when he didnt even give em time to get used to it and later i heard when i was in the chair waiting i heard he wants glasses back. Glasses are easier and less harmful to your eyes but contacts are more comfortable (for me). I myself wear 2 weeks ones and i usually wear them 3-4 weeks, until they start to blur out

To answer your question then yes, 13 year olds can wear contacts :)

EDIT: i got contacts because glasses bothered me when i did sports and sometimes i had to remove my glasses and then i couldnt see, but now i can see clearly and im happy for it :P so if you just want contacts for no reason then reconsider because contacts are more harmful to your eyes than glasses as i mentioned in the rant above, and btw glasses dont make you look stupid, its you who thinks glasses makes you look stupid and if people make fun of you then mind them, just let it go, do what you want as long as you feel comfortable with it :)

RE: Conatacts by Nathan on 10-13-2005 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by SikStyles

EDIT: i got contacts because glasses bothered me when i did sports and sometimes i had to remove my glasses and then i couldnt see, but now i can see clearly and im happy for it :P so if you just want contacts for no reason then reconsider because contacts are more harmful to your eyes than glasses as i mentioned in the rant above, and btw glasses dont make you look stupid, its you who thinks glasses makes you look stupid and if people make fun of you then mind them, just let it go, do what you want as long as you feel comfortable with it :)
Thats some of the reason i hate them, like football, getting kicked and they might break
RE: Conatacts by segosa on 10-13-2005 at 10:03 AM

Contrary to what you guys are saying, I heard that contact lenses were better for your eyes.

RE: Conatacts by Nathan on 10-13-2005 at 10:31 AM

i think the daily ones are better but not the ones which you use for ever!

RE: Conatacts by emit on 10-13-2005 at 11:19 AM

My father wore the same pair of contact lenses for 9 years. They were hard lenses; he's since switched to wearing like weekly things. I guess the soft, weekly ones are easier to wear. I don't think there's any difference between how good for your eyes glasses/contacts are as long as you keep your prescriptions up-to-date. I prefer glasses because I have a serious dislike of touching my eyes thus making lenses hard to put in/take out plus they felt really horrible to wear because of my astigmatism, I also like the ease of being able to take glasses off whenever I want 'cause I find the whole blurriness relaxing from time to time.

RE: Conatacts by Nathan on 10-13-2005 at 11:23 AM

Yer same here like when reading a book i find it easyer to read without glasses because its soft the text when with the glasses its sharp :P

RE: Conatacts by Sunshine on 10-13-2005 at 11:42 AM

I'm wearing contact lenses since i was 16. Before that i wore glasses (since i was 8), but those give me headaches. I also find the view with glasses not satisfying because when you look down you see the sidewalk kinda curved, i guess that varies on wich strenght you need.

I started out with the hard contacts, wich are fine but take a long time to get adjusted too (you have to slowly increase the amount of hours your wear them daily). With hard lenses you have to spend lots of time on cleaning them (you need to gently rub them between your fingers with cleaningliquid), if not you can get serious infections of the eyes (cleaning is essential for all lenses btw, but the "difficulty" to clean varies - ofcourse this doesn't go for daylenses). Hard lenses also tend to fall out (or irritate) if your eyes get dry, so if you get dry eyes easily i don't advice those.

Atm i'm very satisfied with soft lenses wich i replace every month. Cleaning them is easy too, just put them in the cleaner/desinfectant for atleast 20 mins then switch the fluid to the neutralising one...and after 10 mins in that you can wear them again. The way i implemented that in my daily routine is to put them in the cleaner/desinfectant when i go to sleep and the next day as soon as i wake up i put them in the neutraliser the time i'm showered and dressed they are ready to go again hardly a hassle :P Downside is my eyes are pretty bad so i need to have glasses too to see where i'm going after i took the lenses out (it's always adviced to have glasses too when you have contacts, for emergencies).

RE: Conatacts by Nathan on 10-14-2005 at 10:05 PM

So what would you say is easier for a 13 year old lad who has got to go at 8 in the morning? and which is better for my eyes?

RE: Conatacts by L. Coyote on 10-14-2005 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Time
I prefer glasses because I have a serious dislike of touching my eyes
Same here. Contacts sound very complicated for me. I rather constantly clean my glasses... :P

Though glasses can be a bit uncomfortable. I've only had them for a year, but I've gotten so used to them that I often forget to take them off when needed... :tongue:

Originally posted by msg_plus_freak
So what would you say is easier for a 13 year old lad who has got to go at 8 in the morning? and which is better for my eyes?
Only an eye-doctor can tell you this (as mwe99 said). Never rely on people's opinion for health issues.
RE: Conatacts by Nathan on 10-14-2005 at 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Leo
Though glasses can be a bit uncomfortable. I've only had them for a year, but I've gotten so used to them that I often forget to take them off when needed...

Same here, i kpt them on becase i could see things and my mum and dad kept on saying take those f******* things off nathan!
But when we went to opticians  she said that i needed to were them all the time so my mum and dad where gutted :P!