
Event Sounds Suggestion - Printable Version

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Event Sounds Suggestion by albert on 10-17-2005 at 01:02 AM

Well, I do use the custom event sounds for a few contacts, most of the time, I prefer putting a song to design each of them..  now problem is, usually a songs need 20 secs before starting the lyrics.. but the custom even sound doesnt last that long, so what happens is that I only hear the intro..

What I would like to suggest is the feature that we have in the custom sounds that we're able to send via msgplus! which is to be able to choose a part of the music file we're selecting..

E.G. :

I like the song A, but I want to hear a specific time of this song when someone comes online..

I can then choose the part I want..

Anyhow.. I hope you ppl understand, I dont think it will be so hard to do, since the technology and the principal is the same as the custom sounds, and is already developed.. I wish to see this in a future version in MsgPlus! :)

RE: Event Sounds Suggestion by DragonX on 10-17-2005 at 01:26 AM

You could always get an audio editing software, like Sound Forge and just crop out the part u want, save it as a new file and assing it to that contact ;)

The product page shuold be here but it doesn't seem to be working here, maybe it will for you.

Edit: Or if u want, u can send me the file i can crop it for you.

RE: Event Sounds Suggestion by CookieRevised on 10-17-2005 at 07:17 AM

Originally posted by lp15
Anyhow.. I hope you ppl understand
Well, it took me several re-reads to understand that you weren't talking nonsense and were confussing two totally different features (but that's probably just me as I just woke up) :P

Originally posted by lp15
I dont think it will be so hard to do, since the technology and the principal is the same as the custom sounds, and is already developed.
true, the trim function is already developped, but that's all. What you're asking isn't that strait forward at all though. It requires a serious and relative big redisign, not only from the UI, but also the underlying code. Not to mention, it may sound like something good for Plus!, but Plus! isn't a sound editing software and shouldn't be bloated with all kinds of stuff like that (eg: like a big textbox were you can edit your logs; if you wanna do that, you'll open notepad)

A whole new 'system' needs to be developped to store these own created event sounds, because were are you going to store them? Plus! needs to be able to grab them from somewhere. Either this build-in local storage system like the Custom Sounds (which I'm not all for it, as a whole new build-in system isn't really needed for this and is just bloating)...

...or much thoughts needs to be put into developping a kind of sound editor like you have so many. Which I'm not sure if Plus! is the place to do it in. Remember that there is a big difference between the small but mandatory 'sound editor' for the custom sounds and a sound editor with all the file saving/ file selecting stuff (which you will need) you see in external programs. Thus again bloating Plus! with much unneeded stuff. Which you also are only going to use once; after the sound has been created and selected, not many people (if not none) are going to constantly update their events sound for individual contacts (this is again a difference with the Custom Sounds).

Originally posted by lp15
I wish to see this in a future version in MsgPlus! :)
tbh, although the suggestion seems nice at first I don't want to see this as, after thinking about it a bit deeper, will be nothing more (and above all, will work just the same) as what you already have in so many external programs... And all that just for something you're only are going to use once or twice...

So my vote is negative.
RE: Event Sounds Suggestion by albert on 10-17-2005 at 01:09 PM

Well for first, I know I wasn't that clear, and I apologize, i just didn't really know how to explain it all..

Now I read all ur post cookie, and tbh, I get what you're trying to say.

I did not think about how Plus! should have been configured in order for this to work,  I just thought it would be cooler if I could choose the part of the song I was choosing..

Anyways.. I don't think I got much more to add, i just hoped this could've workedd..

RE: Event Sounds Suggestion by CookieRevised on 10-17-2005 at 04:20 PM

It still can though. Don't get me wrong ... I'm not the one who decides. It's just my humble opinion, my point of view of it  ;)