
Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) - Printable Version

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Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by Marky1981 on 10-19-2005 at 11:00 PM


I am using MSN Messenger 7.5.0299 with Plus 3.61.145. Windows XP.

I noticed that if you have tabbed chats turned on and talking to more than one person, there is a bug whereby you might not notice a new message.

For example if person A's tab is the active tab, and person B sends a message, you can see their tab flashing. However, the MSN chat program on the taskbar doesn't flash. Therefore, if another window is covering the chat window, there is no (visual) way to know if person B's sent a message. (I don't know about audio as I don't have the sound on).

This has caught me out a few times! It is possible to make the taskbar program flash when anyone sends a new message, not just the person with the active tab.

Hope that makes sense?
(first-time poster)

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by Odin on 10-19-2005 at 11:52 PM

o noticed that also, was chatting with someone (only 1 person active, no tabs) and left the chat open and he didnīt say anything more.

i left the msn window open because wasnīt bothering me but his msn nick was always there on the taskbar

1 hour later i decided to go play some game and when i opened the msn window again i noticed that there was a new person talking to me (making the tabs appear) for about 30m and i didnīt received any notification of that, no flash on taskbar, no nick name change of the new msn user on taskbar. nothing

was anoying :\ the new person was a hot girl :D

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by Sunshine on 10-20-2005 at 11:21 AM

It will flash, there's just a 15 second delay. It will also switch to that conversation and because of this delay it will give you time to finish reading/writing in the active conversation, the switching conversations is needed for the flashing (notice the namechange in taskbarbutton). If you switch off that option (plus > preferences > instant messages > tabbed chats...."auto-activate chat windows with unread messages"), there will be no more autoswitching screens but also no more taskbarflashes for unfocused chats. If you are experiencing no flashes at all you may wanna check if that setting is enabled.

You can also change the delay if you wish to do so, either manually or with Plus! Tweak (this program changes the registrysettings for you). The regkey you're looking for is GroupAutoSwitchDelay. To download Plus! Tweak or for more information about this regkey see: Help Registry Tweaks

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by Odin on 10-20-2005 at 11:24 PM

today happen again, looks like it only happen when only we have 1 msn user and a new one came (becaming group) and you have the window inactive in foreground.

all the options is activated in plus, simply it dont flash, name change on taskbar, nothing. only when you have the window visible is that works without a problem

btw, good work on plus patchou and all the testers :)

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by merlin67 on 11-02-2005 at 06:51 PM

I have had the same issue, and was about to post some feedback about it, glad to see I am not the only one.  Like the previous poster said, it seems to happen most when only one chat window is open, but either in the background or minimized, and then someone new sends a message.  The new person does not show up on the taskbar, and it does not flash to notify me of the new message.  I have missed several people who come online, send a message, receive no reply and then go offline.

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by atmofunk on 02-08-2006 at 06:34 PM

YES -- this is my biggest issue with tabbed conversations.

If i start a convo then leave the window open and start working on something else... hours can go by where i don't see any task bar notification at all.    When i go back to Messenger i'll notice that there are 6 or 7 flashing conversation windows INSIDE THE TABS, but there was NO notification on the taskbar...

essentially I ignored everyone unwittingly.

I  had to turn off tabs because of this, which sucks because it's a really great feature.

Please can we get this updated for the next point release?


RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by Patchou on 02-08-2006 at 07:14 PM

I'll make sure this is all properly fixed in version 4.0 :).
Thansk for reporting.

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by atmofunk on 02-09-2006 at 02:37 AM

no problem - thanks for a killer app!

RE: Tabbed chat bug (minor but annoying) by linx05 on 02-09-2006 at 01:34 PM

Thank god for this. It is very annoying. Happens to me a lot.