![]() Official Msgplus Chat Channel? - Printable Version -Shoutbox (https://shoutbox.menthix.net) +-- Forum: MsgHelp Archive (/forumdisplay.php?fid=58) +--- Forum: General (/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +---- Forum: Forum & Website (/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +----- Thread: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? (/showthread.php?tid=52531) Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by RebelSean on 11-02-2005 at 12:33 PM Due to recent events, #banana has been removed from the webchat, and is no longer officially affiliated with Msgplus!. Now, with all of this being done, is there going to be an official chat channel created? As to say, created by someone who will run it responsibly (NO, I'm not saying Underlord didn't run his responsibly, he did!)? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-02-2005 at 12:40 PM .. So you're suggesting yourself? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by RebelSean on 11-02-2005 at 12:41 PM Did I say that? I don't believe I did. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Sunshine on 11-02-2005 at 12:42 PM
I guess the answer would be NO! It will still be the same people going inthere..i don't see how people can get into so many arguments on irc tbh. I rarely had problems myself. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-02-2005 at 12:43 PM
quote:You implied it.. already owning #chat that is. [edit] If there is to be a chat channel - it would be best to be left to be ran by the opers. That way we know exactly whats going on and can deal with things in a more "professional" way. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by mwe99 on 11-02-2005 at 12:46 PM why do you even need it ? you have msn, a program designed for chatting RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-02-2005 at 12:48 PM
The issue is: you'll never be happy unless it is Patchou running the channels on IRC, making it a wholly official channel; then, and only then, would you never have grievances. Another problem is that you take 10 people from the forums who you say are "mature" and they will have no idea how to run an IRC channel. That's the nature of the beast. Sunshine hit the nail on the head, they are totally different environments. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Daniel on 11-02-2005 at 12:55 PM imho a chat channel isnt really needed, i estimate we got about 1/10 people in #banana who actually wanted to chat, and even then it was about 1/100 that stayed for longer than 20 seconds. RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by segosa on 11-02-2005 at 12:59 PM
quote: And 1/5000 become regulars. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by L. Coyote on 11-02-2005 at 02:29 PM
quote: ![]() Although I don't see why there's such a big fuzz about it. Just send anyone who wants to chat in #msgplus to #banana (state that it "isn't official" or something that makes most people happy). Cheers! RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Sunshine on 11-02-2005 at 03:26 PM
quote:Thanks ![]() quote: We could do that but it would still not change the fact that they see the same people inthere who may respond differently in a chan that's chat based instead of support based.. so they will still complain about it, official chan or not. Only difference this makes is that we now actively have to point them there as they don't know support chan aint for chat..nobody will come into the chat chan out of emselves anymore. In other words put the strain on the ops in #msgplus. In #msgplus we stay nice (atleast try to) even when someone seeking help is rude...in a chat chan that's a completely different story. If people come inthere with an attitude like i'm all this and that..lookie at my pic i'm hot so i can say whatever the hell i want kinda attitude then yah expect some flaming/fighting/arguments. Some people even misinterpret a joke as beeing serious resulting in arguments. We in general aren't rude inthere but like everywhere else on irc or whatever chatprogram you can't expect to be accepted right away if you come in with an attitude first time you join. Also leaving forums because of something that happened on irc is petty in my eyes...the two are not the same! Bringing it all onhere is even worse, deal with it onthere talk to the chanowner..prevent all those others joining in flaming over something they know nothing about. Putting shit like that onhere in my eyes is an attempt to destroy a perfectly good community, it causes arguments wich aint needed and certainly are not wanted onhere. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by MeEtc on 11-02-2005 at 03:42 PM
Whatever ends up happening, reduce the number of opers there. there is something like 15 at any point in time, I would like to see that number drop to about 5-7 if poosible. It may stop the supposed power abuse RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by YottabyteWizard on 11-02-2005 at 04:26 PM
quote:indeed quote:That's why i don't join neither banana, and sometimes go to msghelp or keep at forums and MSN all day long. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by saralk on 11-02-2005 at 05:09 PM
I think it is important for there to be a chat channel. If there isn't then #msgplus will become full of spam imo. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-02-2005 at 05:36 PM You're trying to turn IRC into a bureaucracy with rules and regulations. That removes the whole essence of IRC. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Exca on 11-02-2005 at 05:36 PM But still a chat channel would dispower this forum, unless it's only a 'chit chat channel' mainly under members; and questions to be asked here on the forums... RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by John Anderton on 11-02-2005 at 05:51 PM
quote:Hasnt it been like that ??? Main forums .... questions can be asked on #msgplus and random chit chat on #banana Anyways .... agreed with sunshine and tis true there cant be a 200 person convo on msn .... you cant have a decent 5 + person convo ..... its tough ... you need IRC in that respect i guess .... but what i dont get is why is there a need for it to be an "official" channel. What difference does it make if it isnt ? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by segosa on 11-02-2005 at 05:52 PM
quote: What, you're afraid of arguments? That's ridiculous. quote: As Time said, you're trying to turn IRC into something it is not. IRC is about free speech. If you act like a lamer, you will be treated like one. If you can't look after yourself and stand your ground, you're going to have problems. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Facta on 11-02-2005 at 07:35 PM
I vote for cookie and if you want more help myself RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Jhrono on 11-02-2005 at 07:47 PM
Wow, a guy with 22 posts that joined in october wants to be Op.. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Mike on 11-02-2005 at 07:58 PM
May I ask why it's not an official chat channel anymore? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Facta on 11-02-2005 at 07:58 PM
just tried to help RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by brian on 11-02-2005 at 07:58 PM
My god, Johny... Maybe Facta is an IRC regular that know's how to run a channel? Time had 100 posts but was an operator, omgosh? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by saralk on 11-02-2005 at 08:20 PM
quote: I'm not disputing that, what I am saying though, is that #banana is accessed by a lot of people who would otherwise not go on IRC, they have no idea what IRC culture is like, and if they see a moderator making fun of them, it is not going to set a good impression. I'm not trying to kerb the fun that can be had in IRC, but if you are going to flame people and stuff (which is no bad thing), do it from a non-op account. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Chrono on 11-02-2005 at 08:23 PM
there's no need for a chat channel, people should go to irc to ask for help RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Exca on 11-02-2005 at 08:28 PM
quote: That's what i said... it would dispower the forums... RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Facta on 11-02-2005 at 08:38 PM
quote: Yeah!!! oh, and i could have more posts, but if you read my them, youll notice i never spam, i could have a hundred now if i wanted to.... chrono made 69 in 2 days, i read somewhere RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 08:41 PM
And again RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by segosa on 11-02-2005 at 08:42 PM
quote: No. IRC is not a place for 'rules'. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Jhrono on 11-02-2005 at 09:07 PM
quote:Wait a min ... Are you saying i spam? Boy you are really new at the forums...After 6 months here, you'll learn spammers are the best!!At least that's what this forum teaches us right?With those 'O rly' images right ?..be helpful, shut up and live along with the situation.. And what chrono's a spammer?So what?At least he cheers the forum up.. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-02-2005 at 09:15 PM
IRC has guidelines, if anything. Read the motd (type /motd). That's a basic, very basic, guideline. quote: You would disallow all channels except for #msgplus on the server? That's a complete waste of an ircd. Might as well move the channel to a big network such as EFnet or Undernet then. That would certainly make more sense. You're wanting to turn that whole server into a helpdesk thing where people are on duty, working 9-5 days for the sole purpose of help. I'm sorry but even in the workplace people chat. That's, in essence, what #banana is for. The fact that some of the members in #banana never help in #msgplus is solely their choice. There may be thousands of other channels on IRC to chat about life in, but #banana is the channel on the MsgPlus server for that, I do not see why people cannot accept that. quote: How does 30 of the community regulars chatting on IRC dispower the forums? How does 30 people in a mass MSN convo dispower the forums? I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense to me. quote: Becoming an op on IRC doesn't mean you have to be all sugary sweet and nice all of a sudden. Being an op is about respect and competence; the channel owner respects you enough to give you access to be an op and trusts you have the competence to ban people who are behaving in a lame way on the channel - be it a regular or a newcomer. Just because you suddenly have an @ before your nick doesn't mean you have to stop swearing. Heh. I've mentioned it before, but everyone should read this: http://www.order.efnet.net/terms.html I know it's a boring TOS but the ethics behind the wording and content sum up IRC very well. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by saralk on 11-02-2005 at 09:22 PM
quote: i'm not saying that, but being an Op puts you in a position of responsibility, and for someone who doesn't know much about IRC, an Op would seem like a member of staff. And if you went into a restaurant and the waiter started swearing at you, laughing at you and then kicked you out of the restaurant because you complained, what impression would that give of the resaurant? Messenger Plus! gives the impression of a proffessional company (which it is), and the Ops should try and uphold that. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Facta on 11-02-2005 at 09:25 PM
quote: i dindnt... i said I dont spam.and i never said chrono is a spammer RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 09:39 PM
I been reading that its ok to flame and be nasty to people ,people should handle it etc etc RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by brian on 11-02-2005 at 09:47 PM
quote: Here's a hint; that's a spam post. Oh, and there is a space after ?'s. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-02-2005 at 09:48 PM
quote:staying for more than 5 minutes in the server and actually participating in the chat might help you get a better understanding on irc... ![]() RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 10:00 PM
Omar..True..but I wont get into details..But i have done as you said.. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-02-2005 at 10:02 PM
IRC has nothing to do with "most chats"... (and btw...what chats you participate in anyway) RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 10:07 PM
"chat room participants (chatters)" a group of people getting together who have at least one idea or interest in common..a myriad of Personalitys..beleifs,genders.class and nationalities.... RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by segosa on 11-02-2005 at 10:11 PM
quote: Wow, you truly have no clue how it all works there do you? For starters, there's no such thing as a 'post'; it isn't a forum. Every single one of your rules is what makes #banana so great imo: free speech. If they were to be strictly enforced many people would leave. Why don't you kids who like channels to have rules go make your own on the server and leave us to run #banana how it's been for the last 3 years? It works fine, everyone who's a regular there is happy, and others who aren't can simply leave. #banana is no longer official, everything is up to Underlord now. As Omar said, try and be there for longer than 5 minutes before even thinking about replying to this thread. ![]() RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 10:20 PM
I refuse to nitpick or argue..as I don't think arguing is relevent or solves anything..I just listed some ideas.. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-02-2005 at 10:22 PM
quote:with all due respect... but what are you doing here then???? This is a "discussion forum"... you know.... RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 10:31 PM
quote: Discussion and arguing have two different meanings.. to discuss doesnt mean to argue Noun 1. discussion - an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased" Synonyms: discourse, treatment 2. discussion - an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion"; "we had a word or two about it" Synonyms: give-and-take, word argue:To put forth reasons for or against something, often excitedly: contend, debate, dispute, moot. See affirm, words To engage in a quarrel: bicker, contend, dispute, fight, quarrel, quibble, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle. Informal: hassle, tangle. To put into words positively and with conviction: affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, claim, contend, declare, hold, maintain, say, state. Idiom: have it. See affirm To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of: attest, bespeak, betoken, indicate, mark, point to, testify, witness. See show arguing is confrontational...discussion is unconfrontational RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by RebelSean on 11-02-2005 at 10:34 PM
Alot of valid points have been made. But let me just say my opinion. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Jhrono on 11-02-2005 at 10:36 PM
quote:And he SCORES... Here's another hint : that's teh spam..i smell a split on this post.. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-02-2005 at 10:45 PM
quote: This harks back to what I said earlier - you will never be happy unless Patchou is there policing the channel 24/7. saralk: there's a HUGE difference between a restaurant and an IRC channel and I think you know that. I agree that in the help channel, #msgplus, decorum should exist. But that's a help channel and if you have experienced half the help channels on the internet you will know that #msgplus is one of the few decent ones, the rest are full of people who tell you to RTFM and then ignore you. The channel in question is #banana, which isn't about decorum and helping people so that need for politeness and representing Plus isn't necessary. No one in there ever wanted the channel listed on the java applet, because we knew the influx of random people wanting to ask "n e hot grls here??" would just be annoying. If you saw the amount of people who seem incapable of telling the difference between "Click here for Help and Support" and "Click here just to chat" you would be miffed, to say the least. People joining the chat channel and asking "can ne1 help??" in a dozen languages, is not how regulars want the channel to be. By saying becoming an op is about responsibility you are enforcing them with this burden of having to be a role model, ops are still just lusers like anyone else in the channel, they shouldn't have to become a father figure to the channel all of a sudden. quote: The people who op #banana are the ones who know how to run a channel, how to use an ircd and commands. "Can get good ops to run it..." The ops in #banana are the best on the server; they're also the most active, the most competent people to op a channel in this community. quote: IRC works. Fact. Read: www.netsplit.de to get an idea of how many people use IRC everyday. quote: IRC is policed. Packetteers get banned. Flooders get banned. Drone runners get banned. You're trying to police things so strictly that you leech the fun right out of them. quote: Warez is against the law. The majority of internet denizens condone it and enjoy it. Etc. Insulting someone on IRC is never going to result in a lawsuit, that's beyond ridiculous. Spend ten minutes in some channels and I think you would be crying, literally. You can get insulted just for the ISP you use in some places. Wow, you people are sensitive. quote: IRC is enjoyable, without all those rules. I pasted a link to a set of guidelines previously. Basically "don't be lame" is what they said. You could learn from that. These rules above are nonsense, go and read bash.org and you will realise that IRC is about free speech and the frontier of the internet, as well as the underground. Some of the rules you have listed show that you have a lot to learn about IRC - regarding anonymity and profanity and "nonsense posts". www.irchelp.org - read it three times. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Chrono on 11-02-2005 at 11:42 PM
quote:No. i meant that the irc server is there for people who need help, right? Then it's ok not to have an OFFICIAL chat channel like banana, but #banana will still be there. Just not officially ![]() SO stop complaining time ![]() ![]() RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-02-2005 at 11:52 PM
Honestly as i have mentioned i was only offering ideas on what i have seen works..seeing people complain about what IRC is and represents..made me think ..perhaps..it wasnt there to take it was just there to stem ideas..I didnt attack nor deframe..it was just my opinion.. quote: ![]() ..maybe you or someone else should take an anonymous poll on whom enjoys The current IRC's Format and Environment..and take it from there ? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-02-2005 at 11:57 PM
quote:I agree.... ![]() and please... stop bitching in these forums... have any problem with banana????? pm Underlord.... end of story RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-03-2005 at 12:22 AM
quote: It sounded like you were implying that. Then I agree - it is fine not to make #banana or any channel an official CHAT channel. I'm in upto 50 IRC channels at any given time - the death of one would not concern me, I can talk to the people in #banana in any other channel they care to join. Of course it is freedom of speech, the freedom to talk about incest, and paste goatse at any time - that's what should exist. quote: For the million people who come back to IRC everyday. They've embraced IRC how it is and they like how it is. You are limiting your viewpoint to just this one channel, on one server... IRC is vast. Big picture. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Hank on 11-03-2005 at 12:32 AM Beamy, i Myself use Mirc to.so Yes lots of people use Mirc, file sharing etc, im with Time on this one RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by kittymew on 11-03-2005 at 01:06 AM
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear ..I meant IRC as the the banana channel..not IRC in general terms.... RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-03-2005 at 02:00 AM
but beamy... what happens in banana is noone's concern now that is not the oficial chat channel anymore... RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by CookieRevised on 11-03-2005 at 02:05 AM
I didn't wanted to talk about it again, since the other thread got closed and since things were said as far as I was concearned. quote:We are not talking about the vast IRC... We are exactly talking about a specific channel on a specific network. Don't shift and detour the topic... quote:Time, I'm sorry but this exactly sums up and exactly shows what I have against the current #banana and how it is led... The current #banana is very closely associated with Messenger Plus!, this means also young people, inexperienced people, etc... I have nothing against anarchy, goatse, porn or whatever. But everything has its place! If you can't understand that then indeed I question your "competence" as a leader of such part of the Plus! community. As said before, you would be (are) an excellent op with massive knowledge about stuff on the "normal" IRC channel. But since #banana is seen as the chat channel of Plus!, also by newbs, and thus because it represents that part of the Plus! community IMHO you fail there. Because I see #banana as a part of the Plus! community, not as yet another random (almost "anarchy") IRC channel like there are billions. And this exactly shows the problem also: quote: With the current #banana I mean the chat channel listed on the offical IRC applet. ------------ Removing #banana from the official IRC applet is IMO a very good move in the right direction... Making another (new) official chat channel with a different athmosphere than what #banana has become? Maybe, dunno... I also know we had troubles before with chatting in #msgplus, and splitting this to a chat channel was a very good thing todo and I don't wanna loose that. Unfortunatly that chat channel's athmosphere has been shifted seriously from what it was at the beginning. IMHO, let it be for a while like it currently is: officially #msgsplus, and unofficially #banana. And as stated by someone before: If someone new wants to chat in #msgplus and there is help going on at the moment, refer them to any channel or network you like, but also say that actions taken in those channels do not nessecairly represent the Plus! community. If troubles arise again with chatting in #msgplus, let's discuss this idea of RebelSean again... ------------ On a related subject: Talking about such problems on a forum is one way of discussing this. A forum is a good place to do it in. Heck, a forum and a thread like this is called a "discussion platform". Discussing something like this on IRC (and in #banana), would lead to nothing more than the use of oneliners, flames, not to mention kicks, etc. And things said on IRC can't always be read by those whom it concearns. The IRC channels talked about and this forum are two major parts of the Plus! community. Yes, the "leaders" are not the same, but does that mean this can't be discussed on this forum? The subject here is not "I was banned from #banana by x and yaddayaddayadda". For such things, IRC and talking to the person who banned, is indeed the proper thing todo. But this current discussion goes far beyond that. ------------ -me out- RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-03-2005 at 02:21 AM Cookie: but the majority of the regulars want #banana to be like the vast IRC or as another anarchy channel, as you put it. Also, since you don't participate in the channel and are idle 99% of the time and you object so much why not just /part? #banana is not so closely associated with the Plus community as you imply, just because it is on the MsgPlus irc server doesn't mean it is instantly closely tied to Plus. It was shoved on the java applet de facto because it was the most populous non-help channel. Thankfully that is rectified. So now people can quit complaining about the channel having any impact outside of the regulars in the channel. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by lordy on 11-03-2005 at 02:21 AM
ah cookie, your posts always take me several minutes to read RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by brian on 11-03-2005 at 02:34 AM
For now the "chat" channel is #apple; we'll see how it will go. RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by CookieRevised on 11-03-2005 at 02:56 AM
quote:yes, the regulars... Try understand about what I'm talking about: the issue is how mostly not-so-regulars see the #banana channel as the official chat channel and thus #banana gives a serious false picture of the Plus! community... quote:Indeed, and back then the channel was a friendly and fun place to be for everyone, hence why it got added. And because it got added, it got officially and because of that you should have known the consequences of that and what that means in context of handling people, regulars or not. If you wanted to make it into an "anarchy" channel (for the lack of better word) and/or do your own thing you should have parted yourself and created your own channel (on the Plus! servers or not) like there are so many. So don't twist things around; don't blame the fact that it got added to the applet and made officialy for the things which happened much later on and which I'm talking about. quote:Yes it is! (was). And again, don't bring in the idling or whatever. What has that got to do with anything? Even if I was never part of the channel, or even IRC all together, all my arguments still count. (and FYI, IIRC I was on the Plus! IRC channels before you became a regular) Either you know about what I'm talking about but are so stuburn to not let it show (wouldn't be the first time) and enjoys aggravating people,... or either you need to brush up on your reading and especially "understanding in the bigger picture" skills... You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that I'm constantly talking about how other people see #banana and how other people are treated in #banana. This isn't about me idling in a channel or about me not knowing what to expect on IRC or not about me not being able to defend myself from aggressors on IRC..., this is about defending the image of the Plus! community to the outside world. And FYI, I still idle there instead of parting it, because I care about what happens in an official (or much used) channel, just because of the image it represents officially or not. If it wasn't so tight to Plus! I would have parted it long time ago, just as I parted (or even never was a member of, like #B-bombs, #Jaguar, #moo, #web2messenger or other channels on the Plus! IRC server) other IRC communties/channels which I don't care about anymore or which I have no interest in anymore. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Underlord on 11-03-2005 at 06:47 AM Can you people stop bickering. Maybe someone should speak to me, instead of bitching about my channel behind my back. It's really apreciatied. Changing the chat channel to #apple makes no sense to me. There are the same users and ops there. It will make no difference. Some of you have been on IRC for what..? Five minutes? I'm sure you really understand how IRC works and how many people use IRC every day. Banana ISN'T... I will repeat that ISN'T a daemon channel. 99% of the time it is just people chatting. None of the regular users have problem and not all of them are "leet". They have just learnt to accept that IRC IS NOT THE FORUMS. On that note, IRC has nothing to do with the forums and bitching about it here really isn't helping your cause. #Banana isn't the "Official Chat Channel" anymore. So you can stop your whining and ramblings. No one makes you go there. So if you don't want to, then please don't. If you don't want to be there i'm sure we don't want you there. We do talk to people who want to talk. If they say things like "hoo wants to cam wit me" we will kick them. We don't want people who want to cyber there. I think that is pretty self explanitory. If anyone has noticed the people in #msgplus consist of a group of #banana users. We help more people than on the forums by atleast three fold. So don't say, "oh i'd be happy without IRC", because you have no idea what you re talking about. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Discrate on 11-03-2005 at 06:51 AM
think it should be run by someone else who dosent have a gruop that bullies people underlord did a great job but some of the other people on there didnt RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Underlord on 11-03-2005 at 06:58 AM They arn't bullies. Joelm you go in there to start a fight then make accusations of us? The people who want help in the help channel are treated with respect. Most people in #banana are treated with respect. We don't respect people who want to cyber, or people who just want to flame us. As i just said. No one is forcing you to go on Msgplus IRC. If you don't like IRC then don't go on it. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Discrate on 11-03-2005 at 07:00 AM i want to go on there i dont cyber i dont jsut go on there to make fights but one timei went on there and people started saying im mentally ill becuase i spell wrong and i thought to my self what prevoked this i ddi ntohing and other times people are swearing at people RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by ddunk on 11-03-2005 at 07:03 AM
quote:There isn't any other "group" to run IRC, can't you see that? And about your sig: I just went through my logs, not once have you been banned and you've only been kicked once. The "bullying" you're speaking of is segosa and I complaining to you about your typing/grammar/spelling. We didn't "bully" you, you were the one who flipped out. After that, you quit by choice. The next time you came was to complain about your forum ban to the people on IRC and you haven't been back since until 5 minutes ago in #apple. If you don't like us, why do you keep coming back? quote:Wow... just wow. I'm not even going to type out a reply to that, I'll just give you the log and let you see we NEVER called you mentally ill. You were the one who called segosa a "fucking dickhead." Please do not make up bullshit to make us look bad. WE'RE NOT. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by lordy on 11-03-2005 at 07:13 AM
i think you'll find that people in IRC are very touchy about spelling and gammar RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Underlord on 11-03-2005 at 07:16 AM
quote:Mostly Segosa, but he isn't "abusive". He just points it out and doesn't really like people spelling like crap. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Hank on 11-03-2005 at 07:24 AM
quote: wrong.. atleast the IRC server i use doesnt care so much aboutt Grammer aslongh as the Question can be understood, RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by ddunk on 11-03-2005 at 07:26 AM
quote:He was talking about msgplus IRC. And we do care. Why should we have to decipher crap spelling just because the person is lazy? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Stigmata on 11-03-2005 at 07:26 AM
Bah, RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Hank on 11-03-2005 at 07:29 AM
quote:i agree with you to a degree, He does make far way to many spelling errors,, quote:Lets also get the Cain out RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Discrate on 11-03-2005 at 10:29 AM
quote: you should read over the logs he askedif i was mentally ill and then he said later i was and plsu itsn ot jsut me who are getting bullied negro_joe -rafe- to namea few but theres many more. plus that log it from a few days ago im talking about a more recent one RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-03-2005 at 10:58 AM
quote:Ahem, the user who comes there and acts like a f'ing idiot? RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Discrate on 11-03-2005 at 11:01 AM
quote: that dosent make sence to me he user who comes there and acts like a f'ing idiot? - are you telling me he acts like a f'ing idiot or are you asking me? RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-03-2005 at 11:04 AM
Cookie: yet read through yesterday's log; John Anderton, mwe99, lordy16... were they abused? Were they <insert whatever pointless accusations you have cited here>? And look at the regulars we've had join the channel lately... hexel, Haz, rix - they have fitted straight in. These are not-so-regulars accepting the channel. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-03-2005 at 11:07 AM
quote:I'm questioning why you say he is the one being abused when he deserves it alot of the time for acting like a complete idiot on the network. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Discrate on 11-03-2005 at 11:09 AM well its not like i go on there to get abused im shore that he dosent go on there to get abused RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-03-2005 at 11:11 AM
quote:HE acts like an idiot. What is called a "troll". If he didn't, then he wouldn't cop the crap. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by lordy on 11-03-2005 at 11:14 AM
quote: ![]() * lordy feels special ![]() and no i wasnt abused, in fact it was quite enjoyable, and im going to keep going back ![]() RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by RebelSean on 11-03-2005 at 12:37 PM
quote: Excuse me? What? Who said that you get to pick the chat channel? If anything, it will be picked by the opers and I'm sure that they will have a vote on who will run it. Not only that, like CookieRevised said. Chatting in #msgplus for now when no help is going on would be the best idea atm, and if it gets out of hand, then we can go back to my idea: an official chat channel. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Omar on 11-03-2005 at 01:30 PM
quote:#apple was added to the webchat for the moment... so shush... RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by emit on 11-03-2005 at 02:04 PM
quote: Too late, the Network Admin already made the webchat point to #apple. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by Sunshine on 11-03-2005 at 02:35 PM
Apparently a new "official" chatchan has been added to webchat. I don't get it..it won't change a thing...if it's the same people RE: RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by CookieRevised on 11-03-2005 at 02:43 PM
quote: ![]() quote:Then where were you all this time? Or where were all the others who didn't liked it that it was added? As apparently everybody didn't liked it according to you... Except for a extremely few people, I never heared someone complaining it was added... And again, at the time it was added it was a channel where ops and regulars were friendly to all people. So your point is again irrelevant and wrong... quote:As I said before (again; I seem to repeat myself) I was a very regular member of #msgplus and #banana, even before you were there. I practically "lived" there. And I was also a very regular member until recently... So your point is again irrelevant and wrong... quote:Apparently it is useless to talk senseable to you... Did you even read my previous posts? If you think that the channels listed on the applet aren't official, or if you think that the "official chat channel" as it was called aren't official, then you either must be extremely dumb or either have no sense at all about the people around you (aka egoistic selfcentered ego), Time... Yes, and I know these are flames... quote:#msgplus on EFnet is NOT the official help channel. And in case the current server would be down and everything would be shifted to EFnet, I WILL be there. In fact, read your precious logs, you otherwise are always so quick to use them in your advantage, well you'll see that I was there in times things were temporarly shifted. So your point is again irrelevant and wrong... quote:Did I ever say I was the official representative of Plus? Did I ever say I have to look after everything Plus related? NO! I do it out of my unofficial free will, because I simply care... quote:That's convenient, isn't it?.. Now that it was removed from the applet, you dismiss everything simply with the onliner "it isn't official anymore so stfu"... Very mature of you indeed... quote:There would be more if it wasn't so bad at times. RE: Official Msgplus Chat Channel? by surfichris on 11-03-2005 at 02:50 PM
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