
Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J - Printable Version

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Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Val on 11-17-2005 at 02:44 AM

hey guys im thinking about growing some kindda plant so im ganna grow some hemp....... no i don't want marjuwana or how ever you say it lol. So i need info about it because google keeps giving me m.j shit so i need some info where i can buy them and if its legal in canada and remeber i dont want to do anything iligale like growing m.j or anything else. So if anyone knows anything about hemp post here.

but i dont want to turn my house into this:
[Image: canada2.jpg]

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Val on 11-17-2005 at 03:03 AM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
<nvez> 1. insert bigass lights in basement
<nvez> 2. plant marjawana(sp :<`)
<nvez> 3. grow'n'smoke
lmao so where you get the seed XD
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by dotNorma on 11-17-2005 at 03:54 AM

Originally posted by ValSpy
Originally posted by ShawnZ
<nvez> 1. insert bigass lights in basement
<nvez> 2. plant marjawana(sp :<`)
<nvez> 3. grow'n'smoke
lmao so where you get the seed XD

Your not going to find any marijuana seeds for sale legally.
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by ~INVASION~ on 11-17-2005 at 04:01 AM

ahha thats not true, i go to the hemporium in my town all the time, hemp is just male marijuana plants, you cant get high off it but the female plant willget ya nice and toasty. you can still get hemp seeds tho,  infact ill just be quite now cause i dont wanna get in shit from the popo :refuck:

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Purity on 11-17-2005 at 04:03 AM

:o!! I'm gonna grow some!!

That's awsome, i'm gonna so trick my parents, all of the sudden one
summer day they'll notice a big hemp plant right in the middle of their
carrots. ROFL

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by mwe99 on 11-17-2005 at 04:06 AM

Originally posted by ValSpy
hey guys im thinking about growing some kindda plant .......

Get a cactus or a Mr Grass/Cress head like normal kids lol ...

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Purity on 11-17-2005 at 04:09 AM

No way man! HEMP is so kewl!   hahahaha, im gonna trick so much people with this stuff.

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 04:10 AM

Marijuana is hemp... unles you meen your not gona let it Bud. Just give it 24/7 luminocity it wont bud.. its that simple

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Val on 11-17-2005 at 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Purity
:o!! I'm gonna grow some!!

That's awsome, i'm gonna so trick my parents, all of the sudden one
summer day they'll notice a big hemp plant right in the middle of their
carrots. ROFL
lmao that was one of the reasons I wanted to grow some hemp and just scare the heck out of my parents :p

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by lizard.boy on 11-17-2005 at 04:11 AM

i live in an ex-growhouse. i warn you that hemp plants get huge and require alot of light and watering.

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by mwe99 on 11-17-2005 at 04:12 AM

Originally posted by ValSpy
Originally posted by Purity
:o!! I'm gonna grow some!!

That's awsome, i'm gonna so trick my parents, all of the sudden one
summer day they'll notice a big hemp plant right in the middle of their
carrots. ROFL
lmao that was one of the reasons I wanted to grow some hemp and just scare the heck out of my parents :p

just hope your parents dont get too scared and call thecops ;)

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 04:16 AM

1) Its not legal in canada, its only decriminalised
2) Marijuana & Hemp are Canabis (thier both the same)
3) If you don;t want the shit the most people grow cannabis for, just give your plant 24/7 light and it will keep growing
4) You dont need to buy seeds, just buy pot and if your lucky, you'll find a few in your bud.. or if your a chunp and dont smoke.. ask a friend who does.
5) is a great place to learn about getting stoned and growing pot
6) Growing Canabis Is illegal, so i doubt you;ll be growing hemp since thier the same thing.
7) Cannabis plants have 2 races male and female... the best for hemp is male

8) scare the hell out of your parents for growing hemp? again.. hemp and Marijuana are the same thing

lol ok, for people who aren't that smart when it comes to pot... pot isnt adictive, I know this for a fact cuz I havnt been smoking it for a year already

and its NOT a damn gateway drug, Most people who smoke pot are fucking retarded already, not becuase they do it, becuase they are just stupid to begin with.. so they smoke crack and all that dumb shite thus.. making noobs think that pot "is a gate way drug"

and its a damn herb! not a drug

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by ~INVASION~ on 11-17-2005 at 04:32 AM

Originally posted by thc2010
lol ok, for people who aren't that smart when it comes to pot... pot isnt adictive, I know this for a fact cuz I havnt been smoking it for a year already

ive been clean for a year and 2 months, it IS an addictive drug, you CAN get addicted to it and it CAN lead to more harmfull drugs, my friends started getting into blow and popin pills because they were sick of pot, so i quit before i got sucked in. Basically dont do drugs, i now have neurological probems from it, my hands dont stop shaking,  im pretty sure its from the withdrawl but im not 100 percent sure, seems like the most obvious reason tho.
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by mwe99 on 11-17-2005 at 04:33 AM

it varies from person to person, some people will be okay and some people wont...

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Purity on 11-17-2005 at 04:40 AM

Seroiusly though, the only wait can get addicting is if you go through
widthdrawal.  Which does not happen very often.  It seriously
depends on the person, alot of people may think they can control
themselves when they smoke a cigarette or something... they're usually
wrong, I can hold myself back from anything i want, some people will
give into things easily... I smoke weed for fun, not because im

i wont get into this, kinda hard to explain without being looked at as wrong.

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by qgroessl on 11-17-2005 at 04:42 AM

Originally posted by mwe99
it varies from person to person, some people will be okay and some people wont...

But all in all... Smoking is bad for your health.... And should only be done if you think that the social benefits (if there are any) out weigh the health risks.

Of course I'm just trying to be nice to those who do smoke it by saying it's alright about the whole social benefits thing is... I was just trying to be neutral on the topic ;)... But on a side note... I used to occasionally smoke, now that I completely quit... I strongly oppose it!
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by ~INVASION~ on 11-17-2005 at 04:45 AM

you know your addicted, when you do it by yourself, if you go have a smoke and knobody is with you, your addicted. I dont get addicted to things, i can quit at any time which i did, doesnt mean i still wont feel the side effects from not having the regular. and yes pur, im not gonna get into this either cause i dont wanna be shunned upon :P

RE: RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 05:16 AM

Originally posted by ~INVASION~
you know your addicted, when you do it by yourself, if you go have a smoke and knobody is with you, your addicted. I dont get addicted to things, i can quit at any time which i did, doesnt mean i still wont feel the side effects from not having the regular. and yes pur, im not gonna get into this either cause i dont wanna be shunned upon :P

the hell LMFAO! i dont wanna make you feal bad dude, im not trying to put u down or anything but  the "u know your adicted" part is kind of stupid. So if you drink beer alone? does that meen your an alcoholic too? No way in hell. You know when ur adicted when you suck cock for pot. And that part about you dont get adicted to things.. i find that theoreticly imposible.

Theres a big difrance between bieng physicly adicted and psycologicaly adicted. Bieng Psycologicaly adicted is when you just love doing it so much.. you have pasion for it.. like me bieng adicted with sertain games i play. Bieng phisicly adicted is when you wanna stop but you get urges.

So I thin I said this wrong.. what I ment was "You cannot get phisicly adicted to pot" like you can with tabacco heroine or crack.

I smoke it alone all the time when ever I want becuz I dont like my friends pinching weed off me and taking it home with them. I smoke it alone becuz sometmes i need to let go of my thoughts (let go of the worries) the only time i would smoke with some one is when i wanna do something stupid with them, like light our soxs on fire.
RE: RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 05:19 AM

Originally posted by groessl35
Originally posted by mwe99
it varies from person to person, some people will be okay and some people wont...

But all in all... Smoking is bad for your health.... And should only be done if you think that the social benefits (if there are any) out weigh the health risks.

who says you have to smoke pot? there are other alternatives such as vaporisers, and brownies cofee and tea. You can eat it, drink it or vaporise it without the worries of your lungs dieng on you.. Pot does have more tar that tabacco, most dumb ass pot heads argue that this fact is false.. but just ignore those dumbasses, they probly smoked them selfs stupid.

im not saying you should go out there and buy some pot.. for you little kids, if your thinking of smoking pot, dont start smoking pot till your 17, if you start at a young age, you'll only harm your education and interests. It does lower reaction time so if your a sports maniac like me, dont start at a young age.. I noticed as a golie that my reaction time has weekened by atleast 15%

but like some people say.. Side effects varie.. I dont even get red eye when I blaze lol.. lucky me, but it does effect my short term memory.. unlike my other firends. And as you can see, my spelling and typing sucks.. i dunt know if pot has to do with it, but.. lol you get the idea
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Purity on 11-17-2005 at 05:29 AM

recent news...

Marijuana: THC Counters Cancer-Causing Chemicals Produced by Smoke
new report says that Marijuana is not a cancer risk since the THC acts
to counter the cancer-causing chemicals produced by it's smoke unlike
tobacco where the nicotine does the opposite. The report is by Dr
Robert Melamede of the Univ. of Colorado.
      "THC turns down
the carcinogenic potential," he said stating that in studies on mice
THC seems to block the enzyme that turns chemicals in smoke to their
cancer promoting form. Also cannabinoids help to reduce immune
regulated responses to smoke.
      Cells in the respiratory
tract have cells with receptors where nicotine docks but none have been
found for THC or other cannabinoids. Cannabinoid receptors do appear in
the brain where they may protect cells from death due to injuries like
a stroke.

erm, all those weed bashers.

bleh, kay, weed has it's ups and downs, like anything else in the
world, weed is natural, weed is more healthy than lethal!  you
cannot really overdose on weed, unless you were to soke 200 joints, but
im sure you'd burn out and crash by then.


A synthetic chemical which is similar to marijuana’s active ingredient
has been linked to cell growth in rat’s brains says a new study. The
chemical has also been linked to reducing depression and anxiety and
could be good for the brain it says.

Nicotine, alcohol and
cocaine have been shown to suppress the growth in the hippocampus but
HU210, a synthetic cannabinoid, may stimulate the cells to grow. Giving
rats high doses of the drug increased their neurogenesis by about 40%
says the study.

Rats who received HU210 also showed fewer signs
of depression and anxiety when placed in stressful situations. When
mice were given the natural cannabinoid, THC, in a different study no
change was noticed and so scientists must determine the reason.

I'm not trying to promote it, just trying to make it so it doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is...

like i said, i dont wanna get too much into it, i just wanna give a heads up to all those people that say weed kills.

RE: RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by azn angel on 11-17-2005 at 10:34 AM

erm, all those weed bashers.

bleh, kay, weed has it's ups and downs, like anything else in the
world, weed is natural, weed is more healthy than lethal!  you
cannot really overdose on weed, unless you were to soke 200 joints, but
im sure you'd burn out and crash by then.

I'm not trying to promote it, just trying to make it so it doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is...

like i said, i dont wanna get too much into it, i just wanna give a heads up to all those people that say weed kills.

uhh actually weed can kill you. i am currently studdying drugs at school and we were talking about it in class. there are different parts of the plant that are stronger than others and it really depends on how it is grown. if it is grown a certain way it can be quite lethal it can seriously kill you. thats why if you have never smoked weed before you should talk to  someone you really trust who does and they can start you out on weak stuff or you can be like me and not do it all. my sister is a social worker and she always wanted to try it but after working with people who have been on it she doesnt want to try it at all.
RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by John Anderton on 11-17-2005 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Purity
That's awsome, i'm gonna so trick my parents, all of the sudden one
summer day they'll notice a big hemp plant right in the middle of their
carrots. ROFL
[Image: rofl.gif]

Originally posted by mwe99
Get a cactus or a Mr Grass/Cress head like normal kids lol ...
Good one (Y)
Thats what i would suggest .....
RE: RE: RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 01:16 PM

uhh actually weed can kill you. i am currently studdying drugs at school and we were talking about it in class. there are different parts of the plant that are stronger than others and it really depends on how it is grown. if it is grown a certain way it can be quite lethal it can seriously kill you. thats why if you have never smoked weed before you should talk to  someone you really trust who does and they can start you out on weak stuff or you can be like me and not do it all. my sister is a social worker and she always wanted to try it but after working with people who have been on it she doesnt want to try it at all.

right... ok there bud, no disrespect but ur a moron if you think weed can kill you. Ofcourse it can, if your ur stupid enough to drive. But since its herbal, you cant die from it.. There is no way in hell, you can over dose on herbal medicine. I heard the same crap that your talking about on a video clip they showed us at school... they need to update thier facts.. that movie was made 13 years ago.

Also, if your studying drugs at school, your informations obviusly gona be bullshit and bias. Not only this, but also outdated. If you wanna study dugs, become a scientist and use clinical analisation. Don't use information thats outdated and bias.

And Pot isnt more usefull than harmful. Who ever said this needs to know that there are long term effects such as memory, reflex, sperm reduction it also could effect ur nervous system which is why alot fo people are againts it in the first place.

RE: RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by thc2010 on 11-17-2005 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Purity
recent news...
Marijuana: THC Counters Cancer-Causing Chemicals Produced by Smoke
new report says that Marijuana is not a cancer risk since the THC acts
to counter the cancer-causing chemicals produced by it's smoke unlike
tobacco where the nicotine does the opposite. The report is by Dr
Robert Melamede of the Univ. of Colorado.

Soruce your Info. Where did u get this info from?

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by Purity on 11-17-2005 at 01:39 PM about a month ago, do a search on it.

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by John Anderton on 11-17-2005 at 05:18 PM

weed sux. It aint good for you (duh!!) like azn angel said. hence weed sux. End of topic (about wether weed is good or not) :dodgy:
Back to the actual topic which is why our dear friend here wants to grow hemp :P

RE: Ganna grow some Hemp not M.J by .Roy on 11-21-2005 at 08:37 PM

You know what, there are some young people here and this might be legel. And like for me it doesnt belong in a forum, Its exposure to drugs, cmon people.