
File Transfer limit - Printable Version

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File Transfer limit by Texiun on 02-21-2006 at 12:23 PM

Hiya all im just a lil new to this whole place but ive become very fond of the File transfer limit and i was just wondering if there is a way i can increase the limit of maxium allowed files to share on it as i can use this to alot of great uses

I tried the IRC channel but no one has replied...:( oh wells

I hope to hear some replies :) cheers

and thank you


RE: File Transfer limit by Supersonicdarky on 02-21-2006 at 12:26 PM

do you mean the size of file of the number of simultaneous transfers?
Stuffplug can disable the 3 simultaneous limit :)

RE: File Transfer limit by rix on 02-21-2006 at 12:31 PM

File Transfer Plus 1.1 also allows you to send multiple files simultaneously. Besides that it is very useful when dealing with file transfers.

RE: File Transfer limit by Texiun on 02-21-2006 at 12:32 PM

oops oh no sorry i mean the Automatic File sharing thing :) if that makes life easier :)

RE: File Transfer limit by rix on 02-21-2006 at 12:41 PM

What do you mean by automatic file transfer? If you want to auto-accept all file transfers, check 'Automatically accept requests by default' in Preferences -> Instant Messages -> General Options.

If you want to share files to everybody via various commands, you can use Plus! File Sharing. For further information, read this topic.

From version 3.60.144 it's also possible to send files automatically by dragging and dropping files on your conversation window.

RE: File Transfer limit by Texiun on 02-21-2006 at 12:46 PM

Ah yes thats the thing i was after\

Pity tho

"Currently, up to 12 different files can be shared through this method"
I was wanting to maybe boost that upto 50 or something :(