
"says:" - Printable Version

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"says:" by porkbonekid on 02-27-2006 at 07:47 AM

"says:" is there a way to get rid of this while chatting? i remember at one time you could white it out with the colour white and your name would be totally non existant, but its not working anymore, or am i just doing it wrong? thanks.

RE: "says:" by user27089 on 02-27-2006 at 08:00 AM

in the conversation window, do:

/nick2 {name here} [press ctrl + k here, choose white]

then press enter, it should work.

RE: "says:" by Chris4 on 02-27-2006 at 08:13 AM

Do the usual method to change your name to colour [tutorial] but make sure you include a white colour tag at the end, like this:
[Image: screenshot25ol.png]

Which will make my name appear like this:

Then, go to Tools > Options and go to the box to change your name.
Now what you need to do is remove the ·0 from the end.
[Image: screenshot33jc.png]

Now your name will appear like this, without the 'says:'
[Image: screenshot49ve.png]

Edit: or Traxors method 8-)

RE: "says:" by rix on 02-27-2006 at 02:08 PM

The "says:" can also be removed by editing msgslang.dll file. In order to do this, you need to open up msgslang.dll with some hex editor (for example Resource Hacker) and find the "says:" part. It should be located at:
String table -> 127 -> 2030
String table -> 626 -> 10001 and 10002
String table -> 2569 -> 41101

After editing Compile script and save the file.

NOTE: With reference to fully detailed answer, you don't need to edit string 100001, 100002 and 41101. AND, be sure you leave space after "%1", so it would be something like "%1 :" or "%1 ".

See this answer to similar problem.

RE: "says:" by matty on 02-27-2006 at 02:44 PM

CookieRevised's reply to How to get rid of 'SAYS' from msn nickname

RE: "says:" by dannychen on 02-27-2006 at 04:38 PM

can it be done on WLM? or just can used on 7.5? with plus or without plus?

RE: "says:" by Vilkku on 02-27-2006 at 05:05 PM

Changing the color of "says" to white is extremely anoying for people with a different colored background. The reshack works without Plus!, not sure if it's the same for WLM.

RE: "says:" by _Humphreys on 02-27-2006 at 05:41 PM

Thanks rix, it worked perfectly using ResHacker. (Y)