
MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! - Printable Version

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MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! by ryangage on 03-03-2006 at 08:37 PM


I'm new here. Thanks in advance for trying to help me with this problem.

I was recently instructed to perform a System Restore on my R52 IBM ThinkPad by a customer support professional at my university in order to fix a problem with my wireless connection.

My wireless now works fine, but my MSN is all messed up.

I can log in fine. It is a little on the slow side, but still successful. Once logged in, everything begins to freeze and I can't message anyone or click on any incoming messages. Not too long after that, MSN freezes entirely and the 'Not Responding' message appears.

I have un-installed and re-installed but to no avail. MSN and Windows are associated, so you would'nt expect a standard windows function, like a System Restore, would mess up the functionality of MSN Messenger, but unfortunately it does. For me at least.

What should I do? What is a common remedy for this? Any help would be incredibly appreciated.

RE: MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! by matty on 03-03-2006 at 08:48 PM

Are you using any programs such as Smiley Central or Messenger Plus!? If so try and uninstall them and see if MSN Messenger functions properly without it. Also if you do have Messenger Plus! installed have you installed any Plugins if so I might consider removing them and trying. A system restore might remove the registry entries for the plugin and if they are not coded properly can potentially cause MSN Messenger to crash.

You can also try to completly uninstall MSN Messenger and reinstall the latest build from and see if this works.

RE: MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! by ShawnZ on 03-03-2006 at 08:52 PM

If you installed any system changing updates recently, like updating Direct X or IE or doing a windows update, and you restored to a state before those updates occoured, you may have corrupted some important things which may have broken messenger. Try running windows update. Better yet, try running windows update with messenger uninstalled.

RE: MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! by ryangage on 03-03-2006 at 09:04 PM

I tried to update but received this message:

[Error number: 0x8DDD0003]
  Network policy settings prevent you from using this website to get updates for your computer.

RE: MSN 7.5 errors after a Windows System Restore - HELP NEEDED! by ryangage on 03-05-2006 at 09:04 PM

I have reverted to using webmessenger, which is a bit of a drag.