
Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion - Printable Version

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Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by smartuser on 04-01-2006 at 08:52 AM

Hello, I am new to these forums so please bear with me if I have posted this thread in the wrong catergory:P

I have seen screenshots of a leaked Windows Live Messenger plus, and unfortuneatly it is lacking the feature I most like it to have (a feature that is in the WLMP 3.62)

The feature is to make custom name contacts, but attach there msn name on the end. The default Windows Live Messenger custom name is not capable of doing this (as far as I am aware) and it was my favourite feature so i could still see my contacts names while knowing who they are instantly.

If you dont understand here's an example;

Contacts Current Name - "I Love School"

Windows Live Messenger Custom Name - "Mathew"

I would like it to read - "Mathew - I Love School"

so attaching there current msn name on the end while keeping my custom name at the start!!

As this feature was available in WLMP 3.62 I beleive it wouldn't be hard for Patchou to incorperate it into Windows Live Messenger Plus.

Thankyou Patchou, tell me if you think this can be done:)

RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by Hank on 04-01-2006 at 08:57 AM

Custom Name Feature is in WLM now so wasnt any need to have it in MPL

RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by M73A on 04-01-2006 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Animal
Custom Name Feature is in WLM now so wasnt any need to have it in MPL

but what hes saying is you can view the custom name and their msn name... wlm doesnt do this, but mp 3.62 could..
RE: RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by smartuser on 04-01-2006 at 09:01 AM

Originally posted by M73A
Originally posted by Animal
Custom Name Feature is in WLM now so wasnt any need to have it in MPL

but what hes saying is you can view the custom name and their msn name... wlm doesnt do this, but mp 3.62 could..

exactly right:)
RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by user27089 on 04-01-2006 at 09:33 AM

I was looking for this feature with Messenger Plus! aswell, it currently isn't in the beta, but there may be a chance of it being done in a future version.

(It would be so much better, it annoys me hovering the peoples names in the contact list to read their names :dodgy:)

RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by CookieRevised on 04-01-2006 at 09:37 AM

I totally agree, and am also hoping this feature will be added back (soon-ish)....

Originally posted by CookieRevised here
Originally posted by AaronG85
2. Now that WLM has the ability to rename contacts are you going to remove this feature from MP
I'm not sure about this but as far as I'm concearned I hope not as the Plus! custom names work differently (it has more possebilities, think about the use of the (!N) and (!M) tags in custom names). But maybe this will be integrated in the WLM custom names by Plus!, dunno... So don't take my word on it, only time will tell.

RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by Patchou on 04-01-2006 at 10:26 PM

Cutom Names have been removed indeed from Messenger Plus! Live because of the new nickname feature of WLM. I couldn't add the feature like it was before as it would confuse many people but I'll keep on thinking for a good way to do this.

RE: RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by smartuser on 04-02-2006 at 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Patchou
Cutom Names have been removed indeed from Messenger Plus! Live because of the new nickname feature of WLM. I couldn't add the feature like it was before as it would confuse many people but I'll keep on thinking for a good way to do this.

Thankyou a lot Patchou, it is much appreciated by me and obviously many other users:)
RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by Eddie on 04-02-2006 at 06:29 AM

Keep up the great work Patchou :) One feature missing, hundreds of other great ones are still living :)

RE: RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by CookieRevised on 04-02-2006 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by DevilFX
Keep up the great work Patchou :) One feature missing, hundreds of other great ones are still living :)
Unfortunatly, the custom names is a very big one, especially since the (!N) and (!M) tag support was added.

Originally posted by Patchou
Cutom Names have been removed indeed from Messenger Plus! Live because of the new nickname feature of WLM. I couldn't add the feature like it was before as it would confuse many people but I'll keep on thinking for a good way to do this.

You most likely already thought about this, but maybe, somehow, adding the possebility that people could use the (!N) and (!M) tags inside Messenger's first name/last name fields?
RE: Windows Live Messenger Plus Suggestion by smartuser on 06-30-2006 at 10:12 AM

Fantastic work Patchou, I now have Msgplus live and it is brilliant:):)

So have you thought of any way you could do this yet??