
[Suggestion] / shorcut for custom sounds - Printable Version

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[Suggestion] / shorcut for custom sounds by Bull on 04-05-2006 at 02:29 PM

Hi there,

Sorry in advance if this suggestion has already been proposed but after doing a search on the forum, I did not find it and I think it would interest other persons too :)

The idea is based on the fact that most of the time, I always use the same custom sound and clicking to find them in the long list I have is quite "boring" and long to do. The idea is so to be able to set up a shortcut for a specific custom sound. For instance, if I set it to "hi" then the shorcut will be : /shi

What do you think about this idea?


RE: [Suggestion] / shorcut for custom sounds by Menthix on 04-05-2006 at 02:39 PM

Already possible. Just type /sound #46884AF91691 for example. You can either use soundhash or soundname (/sound <soundhash> or /sound <soundname>), just remember the command must come first on the line… it won't work if you put words in front of it (on same line).

You can find the name and hash from your own sounds in the sound library: and the soundhashes of the most popular sounds are at

Once you have the hash or name of your sounds you can also make a quicktext if you wish to make an easier to remember alias like "/shi". See for that.

Thank you Sunshine for the extra info :).

RE: [Suggestion] / shorcut for custom sounds by Bull on 04-05-2006 at 08:29 PM

Thank you very much MenthiX.

Seems that msgplus! is simply perfect :)