
Help please (display picture always changing) - Printable Version

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Help please (display picture always changing) by Fluffers on 04-30-2006 at 07:33 PM

I'm like so confused! Ever since I downloaded Messenger Plus! on msn it started out good, but whenever I log in my display picture is always changing! It's like I log in it's one picture, then i log out and log in again and it's another! I want it to be just 1 picture!

Then you know how you get to choose the background? Well, even if I set it as default it's constantly changes back to the blue one! (the one thats there when you just get MSN) Same thing with the color too! So I can't really set anything as default because it always goes back to normal when i log in!

HELP ME!!!!! :(

RE: Help please by Supersonicdarky on 04-30-2006 at 07:51 PM

in msn preferences check if you have in security tab the "This is a shared computer so don't store my adress book, display picture, personnal message or display picture on it" checked, if you do uncheck it

RE: Help please by Fluffers on 04-30-2006 at 07:53 PM

Man I'm so stupid! I forgot all about that! Thanks a lot! ^ ^