
Help with a menu selection - Printable Version

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Help with a menu selection by Paril on 07-09-2006 at 12:57 PM

Hey, again.

For my Programming Languages Keyword Script (C/C++ Keywords is gone, it has now support for over 12 languages), I am working on the menus. So far so good, but I can't get it able to click something, and to add something to his/her send message bar.

On the click of item "PHP", I want it to add (but not send):

[ code=php] [/code ]

I tried this:

var talkerList = new Array(
"PHP", "C/C++");

function OnGetScriptMenu(Location){
    var sMenu = "<ScriptMenu>";
    if(Location == 1)
            sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"Help\">Help - How to Use</MenuEntry>";
            sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"About\">About</MenuEntry>";
    else if(Location == 2)
        for(var i = 0; i < talkerList.length; i++)
            sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\""+talkerList[i]+""+talkerList[i]+"\">"+talkerList[i]+"</MenuEntry>";
        sMenu += "<Separator/>";
        sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"Help\">Help - How to Use</MenuEntry>";
        sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"About\">About</MenuEntry>";
    sMenu += "</ScriptMenu>";
    return sMenu;

function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId,Location,OriginWnd)
    var currenttext = OriginWnd.EditText;
            case "PHP":
                OriginWnd.EditText_SetCurSel (currenttext.substr(0,1), currenttext.substr(currenttext.length,1));
                OriginWnd.EditText_ReplaceSel ("[ code=php] [/code ]");

It's about the PHP one. How will I get it to work?

- Jon
RE: Help with a menu selection by J-Thread on 07-09-2006 at 01:27 PM

sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\""+talkerList[i]+""+talkerList[i]+"\">"+talkerList[i]+"</MenuEntry>";

shouldn't that be:
sMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\""+talkerList[i]+"\">"+talkerList[i]+"</MenuEntry>";

RE: Help with a menu selection by Paril on 07-09-2006 at 01:29 PM

I'll try that..

That's not what I'm having problems with, both work correctly.

I want it to add:

[ code=PHP] [ /code]

in the send message box, when you click on it.

RE: Help with a menu selection by Paril on 07-09-2006 at 01:48 PM

It's this part here

function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId,Location,OriginWnd)
var currenttext = OriginWnd.EditText;
         case "PHP":
         OriginWnd.EditText_SetCurSel (currenttext.substr(0,1), currenttext.substr(currenttext.length,1));
         OriginWnd.EditText_ReplaceSel ("[ code=php] [/code ]");

it seems to not want to do anything..

RE: Help with a menu selection by J-Thread on 07-09-2006 at 01:59 PM

You're using EditText_SetCurSel in the wrong way. The function takes 2 numbers, and you are passing 2 strings. You should do:

function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId,Location,OriginWnd)
var currenttext = OriginWnd.EditText;
         case "PHP":
         OriginWnd.EditText_SetCurSel (0, currenttext.length - 1);
         OriginWnd.EditText_ReplaceSel ("[ code=php] [/code ]");

That will replace all text in the edit box with [ code=php][/code ]. To replace it with: [ code=php]oldtext[/code ] use:

function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId,Location,OriginWnd)
var currenttext = OriginWnd.EditText;
         case "PHP":
         OriginWnd.EditText_SetCurSel (0, currenttext.length - 1);
         OriginWnd.EditText_ReplaceSel ("[ code=php]"+currenttext+"[/code ]");

RE: Help with a menu selection by Paril on 07-09-2006 at 02:01 PM

Ah, thanks, will try it..

Thanks, it works!

Expect a release soon.