
[Solved] DateTime - Printable Version

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[Solved] DateTime by go2hell on 07-14-2006 at 06:43 PM

I have a problem in setting the value of an DateTimeControl from within the script. Any idea if it is possible?

i'm doing:   

//example date
var date = "14-07-2006";

newWnd.SetControlText("DateValue", date);

where the date format is same as the custom format i specified in the xml: dd-MM-yyyy.

Thanks for your help

---------- first part solved, the bug remains :P ---------------

(Also i believe there is a bug with hidden controls because if I change their value they get visible again, and i couldn't find a way to set the control visible attribute to false again)

RE: [HELP] DateTime by matty on 07-14-2006 at 06:59 PM

Eljay's reply to DateTimeControl

Originally posted by go2hell
(Also i believe there is a bug with hidden controls because if I change their value they get visible again, and i couldn't find a way to set the control visible attribute to false again)
You can use the Windows API 8-)

var SW_HIDE = 5;
var SW_SHOW = 0;

Interop.Call('user32', 'ShowWindow', PlusWnd.GetControlHandle('MyControlId'), SW_SHOW);

RE: [Solved] DateTime by go2hell on 07-14-2006 at 10:03 PM

Thank you, I'll try that.