
Just two Things... - Printable Version

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Just two Things... by dasoul on 07-17-2006 at 12:51 AM

Hi, Im gonna do this short.. it's about the "NICK ON DESKTOP" just have the option Always On Top.. But Alot of people I think Need Always On Bottom.. be cause it Crush Some Programs.. or it make See Ugly some Programs like games..

the other thing... colors of Msn live.. are really sux!.. and bad for the eyes... can msgplus add some.. Themes.. of colors?.. thanks!

RE: Just two Things... by Chestah on 07-17-2006 at 12:55 AM

A) You can turn off the "always on top feature". Right click on each desktop contact you want to not appear on top and uncheck "Appear on top". Alternately in the Plus! Preferences under Desktop Contacts you can change the default settings.

B) Do you realise that you can actually change hte colours of Windows Live Messenger yourself? You can set it to any colour you like to match your needs. Select the paint icon underneath your display name in the main window to select your colour.

RE: RE: Just two Things... by dasoul on 07-17-2006 at 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Chestah
A) You can turn off the "always on top feature". Right click on each desktop contact you want to not appear on top and uncheck "Appear on top". Alternately in the Plus! Preferences under Desktop Contacts you can change the default settings.

B) Do you realise that you can actually change hte colours of Windows Live Messenger yourself? You can set it to any colour you like to match your needs. Select the paint icon underneath your display name in the main window to select your colour.

sabia que no entenderias... "Not Always on Top" dont is the same what "Always On Bottom" for example: if I press WinKey+D (SEE DESKTOP) or Simply Pressing the icon "Show Desktop" It dissapear... for that is "Always on Bottom".. that is the nice of always on bottom.. that doesn't dissapear..

"b"... yes man.. I know.. but are very ugly... It's just opinnion.. may be in a short time can exist Skins from other sides.. the most important its the thing of the "Nick on desktop"...

thx for answer
RE: Just two Things... by Chestah on 07-17-2006 at 01:24 AM

oh ok i see what you are meaning now! Yes an always on bottom feature would be nice. Not sure how possible it is exactly. For instance i'm using Windows Vista now and the sidebar disappears when you click on "Show Desktop" which is annoying - so there definiately is a need to have a "always on bottom" feature. Patchou considers all feature suggestions however as he has alot of work to do already on Messenger Plus! i doubt this will be added anytime soon or if at all.

As for skins, yes this would be an excellent feature for Messenger Plus! Live although it is in the same situation as with the previous suggestion. I am not completely sure but i think Messenger Mate for WLM supports skinning. You can have a look at that if you'd like but it is not compatible with Messenger Plus! -

Thanks for your suggestions :)

RE: Just two Things... by dasoul on 07-17-2006 at 02:02 AM

thanks to you too... ^^