
Your Views: The End of the World [Split] - Printable Version

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Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by andrewdodd13 on 07-24-2006 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by DJeX in that other thread, about religion
I'd like to ask a question to everyone relating to there beliefs. What is your view on the end of the world? Obviously I have my thoughts but I'm curious what others think. and if you do think there will be an end when do you think it will be?

End of the world?

Hmm tricky.

If you define "end of the world" as "end of the planet Earth", then it's probable that the Sun will expand and engulf planet Earth, vavoom, end of "the world".

If you define "end of the world" as "end of the human race", we'll either wipe ourselves out (unlikely, tbh - it won't be long before we have people living on the moon [give it 20-25 years] making it hard to exterminate us) or be destroyed by the big crunch.

If you define "end of the world" as "end of the universe", meet the big crash. :)

An explanation on "the big crunch":
It's common theory among the scientific community that the universe was created by an event called "the big bang". Basically, everything was created from a single particle ("singularity"). The "big crunch" theory states that the eventually the universe will collapse back to this singularity.

It almost fits in with the Buddist teachings of the universe being created and recreated, as there's nothing to say that the big big and crunch aren't repetitive.

Which means the universe may actually be older than the 13.7 billion years since the last big bang ;)

Although (taken from Wikipedia): "However, recent experimental evidence (namely the observation of distant supernovae as standard candles, and the well-resolved mapping of the cosmic microwave background) have—to most scientists' considerable surprise—shown that the expansion of the universe is not being slowed down by gravity, but instead, accelerating, suggesting that the universe will not end with a Big Crunch, but will instead expand forever, though some scientists have contested this theory. (The evidence of an accelerating universe has been considered conclusive by most cosmologists since 2002.)"

So, no end to the universe... so it's possible that humanity could exist... forever.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by qgroessl on 07-24-2006 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by andrewdodd13

Terrible word to use there really... accelerating is used for any change in speed... slowing down, and speeding up both fit... deceleration is sometimes used for the slowing down, but it's not the correct term.

Figured I should site a source so that people that might try and argue it ;)...source =
Originally posted by andrewdodd13
So, no end to the universe... so it's possible that humanity could exist... forever.
By the time the universe would end, some scientists will probably find a new universe much like ours... I believe even though there's only one in exsistance (that we know of), that there are more out there that are much like ours, and they will meet.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by vaccination on 07-24-2006 at 06:14 PM

Well, I would agree with you completely there  andrewdodd13.

I have never heard of the "big crunch" before so i am glad you mentioned that, it seems feesable that the universe would collapse again and start over. It's scary to think that there have been other "Earths" and other "humans" in another universe that came about from a big bang before us which then imploded if you like to form our universe.

But humanity would not be able to live on  forever as there would be periods when we did not exist, such as when the universe is in a  single particle and when it is expanding after the big bang.

Very interesting stuff though.

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by absorbation on 07-24-2006 at 06:16 PM

I think we will end up killing each other over stupid hatred, food or water.

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by qgroessl on 07-24-2006 at 06:18 PM

I dunno if my original post about this got deleted or what... but after thinking about it I now believe we'll get killed by our own creation via robots or an a-bomb.

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by GiantSpider on 07-24-2006 at 07:09 PM

Yeah, I'm not into the whole Big Crunch thing, I think that the universe will continue to expand for all eternity or explode.

But the human race will continue until the end of the universe, by the time even this planet is finished, we'll be long gone.

Originally posted by vaccination
It's scary to think that there have been other "Earths" and other "humans" in another universe that came about from a big bang before us which then imploded if you like to form our universe.
That's not a given, who's to say the universe didn't grow differently last time?

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by YottabyteWizard on 07-24-2006 at 07:55 PM

I also think the end of the human race by our own creations... AI is the worst idea ever, pretty cool for technology but not for machines.

That's why I liked Matrix 1, I belive in the theories on there. Before I saw this move i was thinking about that.

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Joa on 07-24-2006 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by absorbation
I think we will end up killing each other over stupid hatred, food or water.

agreed :cheesy:

but yeah, i also think there's gonna be a huge war between us and a bunch of robots, eventually there will be very few people left and all there will be is these machines that will use and breed humans as slaves for whatever reasons till they all die out eventually.

seriously though, either somebody is going to be successful in the creation of a huge amount of anti-matter and will be able to contain it for a long period of time, untill they get careless (like all humans do with everything else) and things get out of control.. so we will all die pretty swiftly and painlessly i should hope. or everybody's gonna want to nuke everybody else, and if we all nuke eachother we're all gonna die :)
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by qgroessl on 07-24-2006 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Joa
but yeah, i also think there's gonna be a huge war between us and a bunch of robots, eventually there will be very few people left and all there will be is these machines that will use and breed humans as slaves for whatever reasons till they all die out eventually.

The robots would wait (if they're smart) till they hae everlasting batteries/motors and such, so they never die out... it's a scarey thought really

Best news (besides saving a bunch of money by switching to geico)... I'll be dead by the time it happens :refuck:
RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by andrewdodd13 on 07-24-2006 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by UTI
The robots would wait (if they're smart) till they hae everlasting batteries/motors and such, so they never die out... it's a scarey thought really

Best news (besides saving a bunch of money by switching to geico)... I'll be dead by the time it happens :refuck:

People don't have everlasting batteries (unfortunatly, or fortunatly in some cases), so maybe the robots would realise that eventually they have to die.

Luckily, robots are going to find it hard to reproduce. Even if we like... gave them... bits... they'd be unlikely to conjure the power to create an exact replica of themselves from "normal" reproductive metals (its why the "complex design" of a watch argument falls down [I'll post about this in the intelligent design / religion thread if you really need me to]) because of how metals react as opposed to organic chemicals. (Carbon-based).

Of course, they could just harvest the metal and stuff and follow the same procedures we used to create them to create a copy.

Besides, if the robots get too intelligent, we still have EMP. (Although I'd hate to think what it'd be like if the robots invented something equivalent that worked on humans).

So, umm, yeah, robots FTL.

Originally posted by The fightclub master person ;)
seriously though, either somebody is going to be successful in the creation of a huge amount of anti-matter and will be able to contain it for a long period of time, untill they get careless (like all humans do with everything else) and things get out of control.. so we will all die pretty swiftly and painlessly i should hope. or everybody's gonna want to nuke everybody else, and if we all nuke eachother we're all gonna die

An antimatter explosion would be so cool. If you believe Dan Brown (Angels and Demons), we would basically be engulfed by a white light which would so own.
Although it's unlikely this will happen, it's incredibly hard to keep antimatter stored in large quantites, because it's impossible to create a perfect vacuum, so there would be particles annihilating each other. Besides, small quantities of antimatter are produced naturally from collisions in Earths atmosphere every day. (Although the energy released is 9x10^16J per kg of matter/antimatter, which is roughly 100 times more than the amount produced per kilogram of nuclear fission/fusion.)

If we're slow to get off the ground, it's likely that we'll all get nuked to shit. Especially with nubs like George Dubya Bush in office, jeez. I'd feel safer with N. Korea with nukes rather than that guy (mainly because they'd have to be some spiffy nukes to reach the UK from there - nubs can't even reach Japan atm ^o)).

I think though, once we establish like moon colonies and stuff, we'll be almost safe from this kind of thing. (Unless we actually physically blow Earth to shit, then the moon will have nothing to orbit, will begin orbiting the Sun... could be nasty)

But once we're off colonizing the galaxy... well, there are only 6-billion odd people on Earth, and it's a big galaxy.

If you seriously think you're at danger of being extinctified any time soon, just think, "basement, food stocks, and one of these."
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by user27089 on 07-25-2006 at 12:46 AM

Originally posted by UTI
Originally posted by Time
What? That makes no sense and is retarded.
Well.... they mean it's getting faster... I'm just stating that it's not a good term to say cause people could take it both ways really...

Originally posted by andrewdodd13
People don't have everlasting batteries (unfortunatly, or fortunatly in some cases), so maybe the robots would realise that eventually they have to die.
Doesn't mean it couldn't happen sometime ;)

Accelerating means an increase in speed tbh.

Once again, there's no way to know what the end of the world will be like, it could be sudden or it could be slow and painful. A conflict won't cause the end of the world, as there aren't any types of weaponry that can cause such destruction to destroy a planet. So basically no matter what anything man-made does, the planet will still be here. Although it will probably be a bit deterierated from all the mess we left behind. Over years it would fix itself (as it has done in the past) and eventually new life should, and probably will, evolve to bring in a new species until the inevitable happens once again and it starts over again.

If the world was to be destroyed, chances are a massive asteroid would hit the planet, but obviously it would have to be absolutely huge to destroy it. Either that or it would be caused by a death-star style attack (6).
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-25-2006 at 07:40 AM

By the way everyone ones destroying the earth, in about 20 years we will be fried to death, there wont be any ozone layer or we will all be wiped out from nucular bombs.

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Eddie on 07-25-2006 at 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Discrate
By the way everyone ones destroying the earth, in about 20 years we will be fried to death, there wont be any ozone layer or we will all be wiped out from nucular bombs.

mmm nice happy thoughts :P lol 20 years to live, that just rocks lol :P I think the end of the world isnt really gonna happen that soon, im sure something will be invented to do with the o-zone layer and things, and the bombs, who knows what will happen with them but i dont think its that close ;)

RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-25-2006 at 08:03 AM

Originally posted by DevilFX
Originally posted by Discrate
By the way everyone ones destroying the earth, in about 20 years we will be fried to death, there wont be any ozone layer or we will all be wiped out from nucular bombs.

mmm nice happy thoughts :P lol 20 years to live, that just rocks lol :P I think the end of the world isnt really gonna happen that soon, im sure something will be invented to do with the o-zone layer and things, and the bombs, who knows what will happen with them but i dont think its that close ;)

Well i thinks its going to happend if something does not happen to stop the ozone layer disappering. Also i think all countries should get rid of all the nucaler bombs. They could kill heaps of people and knock earth  off coarse. Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by user27089 on 07-25-2006 at 09:39 AM

Most people aren't aware that what is happening to the o-zone layer now happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s and the planet miraculously "fixed" itself.

Originally posted by Discrate
Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

Where's the proof?
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by linx05 on 07-25-2006 at 09:41 AM

lol Discrate. Your mis-guided information is hilarious!!!!

The earth does move closer to the sun each year. Although very small, it would all amount to half a millimeter after a long time. Nuclear testing has been going on for ages. It would have thrown the earth off (by your reports) half a millimeter by now. Don't you think?

* linx05 waits to see objects start to float

(10 bucks says Discrate changes what he meant and calls us liars, so I'm quoting it all)

Originally posted by Discrate
Well i thinks its going to happend if something does not happen to stop the ozone layer disappering. Also i think all countries should get rid of all the nucaler bombs. They could kill heaps of people and knock earth  off coarse. Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

EDIT: And another thing! When the Earth was hit by that meteorite/comet/asteroid millions of years ago, wouldn't it of pushed the Earth off course by at least one half a millimeter? I guess you can now make your own theory, the Discrate Theory! "The Earth was pushed out of alignment by one half a millimeter by the meteorite/comet/asteroid and the dinosaurs simply floated out to space!" You're a joke Discrate.
RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-25-2006 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by linx05
lol Discrate. Your mis-guided information is hilarious!!!!

The earth does move closer to the sun each year. Although very small, it would all amount to half a millimeter after a long time. Nuclear testing has been going on for ages. It would have thrown the earth off (by your reports) half a millimeter by now. Don't you think?

* linx05 waits to see objects start to float

(10 bucks says Discrate changes what he meant and calls us liars, so I'm quoting it all)

Originally posted by Discrate
Well i thinks its going to happend if something does not happen to stop the ozone layer disappering. Also i think all countries should get rid of all the nucaler bombs. They could kill heaps of people and knock earth  off coarse. Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

EDIT: And another thing! When the Earth was hit by that meteorite/comet/asteroid millions of years ago, wouldn't it of pushed the Earth off course by at least one half a millimeter? I guess you can now make your own theory, the Discrate Theory! "The Earth was pushed out of alignment by one half a millimeter by the meteorite/comet/asteroid and the dinosaurs simply floated out to space!" You're a joke Discrate.

You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

I made a mistakes and forgot to add one word in. You do not have to be rude. Everyone makes mistakes. Where i got this infomation from you all ask? i got it of the discovery channel.

EDIT: And another thing! When the Earth was hit by that meteorite/comet/asteroid millions of years ago, wouldn't it of pushed the Earth off course by at least one half a millimeter? I guess you can now make your own theory, the Discrate Theory! "The Earth was pushed out of alignment by one half a millimeter by the meteorite/comet/asteroid and the dinosaurs simply floated out to space!" You're a joke Discrate.

Did i ever say thats what happend to the dinosaurs? know i did not. And how do you know that the earth has been pushed a little bit already from the asteroid?

And its not my theory i got it off the discovery channel. See you made a theory up that i got it off the top of my head. You are the joke.

Anyways back on topic. I think if something is not done soon, the o-zone layer will be completley destroyed or damaged bad. I think that if the o-zone layer disappears we will be seeing very hot days.

P.S linx05  you owe everyone 10 bucks i didnt call anyone a lier
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Veggie on 07-25-2006 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Discrate
You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

You do know that gravity is caused by large mass? i would like to see some proof that moving the earth by .5mm will effect gravity
RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-25-2006 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Veggie
Originally posted by Discrate
You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

You do know that gravity is caused by large mass? i would like to see some proof that moving the earth by .5mm will effect gravity

I dont have proof i am just repeating what the scientists said on the discovery channel.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by markee on 07-25-2006 at 10:56 AM

Well I don't beleive the end of the world will happen for millions of billions of years until the sun becomes big enough for it's gravity to pull us in.  Before then I'd think we would have taken over some other planet out there.  Just my opinion (and some fact)

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by vaccination on 07-25-2006 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by markee
Well I don't beleive the end of the world will happen for millions of billions of years until the sun becomes big enough for it's gravity to pull us in.  Before then I'd think we would have taken over some other planet out there.

I would say that the most likely end of the planet we live on would be being engulfed by the sun.

The human race however would have moved on to other planets by that time.

Power hungry robots scare me, if i was a robot trying to annihilate the human race i would keep a family of scientists alive and make sure they reproduce so that someone could come up with a endless  battery for me.

But like humans robots will fight over who should be leader who should own what and in the end would have wars that could potentially destroy the robot "race". Just like we could destroy ours in the same way.

RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by andrewdodd13 on 07-25-2006 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Veggie
Originally posted by Discrate
You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.

You do know that gravity is caused by large mass? i would like to see some proof that moving the earth by .5mm will effect gravity

lmao, if you really saw that bit I highlighted on the Discovery channel, I will go to the "scientists" (read "noobs") and slap them about.

I'm in 6th year (ie, 16) and could tell you that gravity is caused by the size of the object. Everything "has" gravity. Since the Earth is big, we see its effects a lot more. Since the Sun is bigger, Earth orbits it.

It's not like some force that appears on the surface of the planet which you can move.

For those who care, the size of a "Gravity" (thats really bad wording) is properly known as the "Gravitational Field Strength", which is either measured in Newtons per Kilogram (how much force is applied per kilogram of mass) or simply meters per second squared (how fast an object accelerates towards the gravitational center).
On Earth (at sea-level), the gravitational field strength is 9.81 N/kg or m/s/s. So this means if you fall for 1 second, after that one second you will be travelling at 9.81m/s.

I think while the M.A.D. idea (mutally assured destruction - "you blow us to shit, we blow you to shit") still exists, we're not going to go firing nukes at each other.

This is also why I think a ban is a bad idea. If the USA and UK aren't allowed to have nukes, and all of a sudden Mr. Terrorist from God-Knows-Where finds some weapons-grade Uranium lying around, when he decides to blow us to shit, we have nothing to blow him to shit with.
Although, I suppose with some terrorists, us blowing them back up won't really bother them.  But then again, I doubt they'd want Terrorist Junior or that to die...

So yeah, threat of nukes = a good thing. Nukes going off = really, really bad.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by marissa on 07-26-2006 at 12:41 AM

i had a dream about the end of the world last night. and i didnt even read this thread, but i had a dream that me and my friend were on the beach and i looked back to the water and some huge splash was out in the water and then i started running holding her hand and then i looked back and there was a bigger one with some green flashes and some tsunamis were coming and my friend was running and i grabbed her back and i was like its no use running and then i hugged her and i was saying the lords prayer and shes like "wahts that gonna do?" and so she started running again and then she kinda dragged me while i was still saying it and the waves never went passed us so we all lived and yeah,...but in my dream it was kinda the end of the world :S
then i had another dream...haha :wink: hahaha

i just hope the end of the world is awesome and im sitll alive for it so i can see it all go down

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Voldemort on 07-26-2006 at 01:36 AM

only women will survive after the alien invasion, but they will eventually get extinct, lack of reproduction..

RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Chris4 on 07-26-2006 at 02:26 AM

They can experiment with other living things (like animals) :P


RE: RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by linx05 on 07-26-2006 at 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Discrate
You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.
Still doesn't make any sense if you use some common reasoning.

Originally posted by Discrate
I made a mistakes and forgot to add one word in. You do not have to be rude. Everyone makes mistakes. Where i got this infomation from you all ask? i got it of the discovery channel.
You must of misheard something. I didn't understand everything in that post though. Think before you type please.

Originally posted by Discrate
Did i ever say thats what happend to the dinosaurs? know i did not. And how do you know that the earth has been pushed a little bit already from the asteroid?
No, but you said that we should get rid of nuclear bombs because, when detonated, it would throw the Earth off course. Now, whatever made those crators (meteorites, comets, asteroids and what not) would have been much, MUCH bigger than any nuclear bomb explosion. So Earth would have been thrown off course by your facts. That's how I came about the "Discrate Theory".

Originally posted by Discrate
And its not my theory i got it off the discovery channel. See you made a theory up that i got it off the top of my head. You are the joke.
Obviously you heard wrong. A real scientist knows better.

Originally posted by Discrate
P.S linx05  you owe everyone 10 bucks i didnt call anyone a lier
Yeah, I'll do that the day you start giving proper facts instead of misconstruded "quotes" and 'hearsay'. Please stick to the cartoons and nursury rhymes if you must.


As to what I think will happen, we will consume all the Earths natural resources. We'll then be forced to live else where. Yeah I know, boring.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-26-2006 at 06:54 AM

Originally posted by linx05
Originally posted by Discrate
You are right i forgot to add something into it, ill say it again and correct it.

Did everyone know that if the earth moves 1 half of a  millimeter of its coarse that  the gravity would screw up and would not be able to stay on the ground.
Still doesn't make any sense if you use some common reasoning.

Originally posted by Discrate
I made a mistakes and forgot to add one word in. You do not have to be rude. Everyone makes mistakes. Where i got this infomation from you all ask? i got it of the discovery channel.
You must of misheard something. I didn't understand everything in that post though. Think before you type please.

Originally posted by Discrate
Did i ever say thats what happend to the dinosaurs? know i did not. And how do you know that the earth has been pushed a little bit already from the asteroid?
No, but you said that we should get rid of nuclear bombs because, when detonated, it would throw the Earth off course. Now, whatever made those crators (meteorites, comets, asteroids and what not) would have been much, MUCH bigger than any nuclear bomb explosion. So Earth would have been thrown off course by your facts. That's how I came about the "Discrate Theory".

Originally posted by Discrate
And its not my theory i got it off the discovery channel. See you made a theory up that i got it off the top of my head. You are the joke.
Obviously you heard wrong. A real scientist knows better.

Originally posted by Discrate
P.S linx05  you owe everyone 10 bucks i didnt call anyone a lier
Yeah, I'll do that the day you start giving proper facts instead of misconstruded "quotes" and 'hearsay'. Please stick to the cartoons and nursury rhymes if you must.


As to what I think will happen, we will consume all the Earths natural resources. We'll then be forced to live else where. Yeah I know, boring.

Here we go calling me a lier saying i misheard the infomation. You say that about everything i say. Let me tell you i heard correctly. If you are going to make a b ig deal out of evertyhing i say and reply to everything i say being rude and saying im lieing and im wrong, please do no reply to my posts.
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by andrewdodd13 on 07-26-2006 at 07:05 AM

Well, it would be much easier if you checked your facts before posting them, using something like Wikipedia. I find it helps when people try to prove me wrong :P.

RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Discrate on 07-26-2006 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by andrewdodd13
Well, it would be much easier if you checked your facts before posting them, using something like Wikipedia. I find it helps when people try to prove me wrong :P.

OMG they are not my facts!!!!! i am repeating what i heard on the discovery channel!
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by vaccination on 07-26-2006 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Discrate
OMG they are not my facts!!!!! i am repeating what i heard on the discovery channel!

Then could you have possibly heard wrong?

Your *facts* would have to be wrong other wise it would have happened by now, i would say since the earths beginning we would have been knocked off course by at least 2cm. (i don't wana over exaggerate so i will leave it there. :P )

Originally posted by Chris4
They can experiment with other living things (like animals) :P


:lol:      I can only imagine.... :P
RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by Voldemort on 07-26-2006 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Discrate

OMG they are not my facts!!!!! i am repeating what i heard on the discovery channel!

RE: RE: RE: Your Views: The End of the World [Split] by andrewdodd13 on 07-26-2006 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Discrate
Originally posted by andrewdodd13
Well, it would be much easier if you checked your facts before posting them, using something like Wikipedia. I find it helps when people try to prove me wrong :P.

OMG they are not my facts!!!!! i am repeating what i heard on the discovery channel!

Well, you said them, so they (IMO) are your facts, regardless of where you heard them.

If you wanna nit-pick:

Well, it would be much easier if you checked any scienticifical information before posting it, using something like Wikipedia. I find it helps when people try to prove me wrong :P.

Edit (looking at this post after Joa linked it... I think I said that exact same sentence in two posts....)