
Emotion Sounds Problem - Printable Version

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Emotion Sounds Problem by Carsten on 07-28-2006 at 08:44 PM


at first my English is not so good, but i will do my very best.

I searched in the forums for this problem, but doesnīt find any answer for it.

I can create new sounds from an exsisting file...but when i try to send a self made sound too another contact the following error message is viewed (itīs translated from me from german to english):

"The entered command is unknown.
If the message is thougth as an command, then beginn the message with "//"."

i just wanna send sounds to another contact, but i canīt because the command for sending sounds is unknown.

Please HELP

RE: Emotion Sounds Problem by Patchou on 07-29-2006 at 09:49 PM

This is generally caused because of a custom emoticon file using one or more of the letters in "/sound ". Check your emoticons to find the culpirit and change its keyboard shortcut.

This problem will also be fixed in Messenger Plus! Live 4.02.