[Request] Lock messenger not at sign-in but when started - Printable Version
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[Request] Lock messenger not at sign-in but when started by Zayl on 08-02-2006 at 11:02 PM
There is already I script that locks Messenger when you sign-in and you have to click on "Click here to continue using Messenger" but on my computer, Messenger is on start-up but doesnt sign-in automatically on my session...
So I wondered if someone could do a script that locks Messenger "x" seconds after started at windows...
Or... even when Messenger is not at start-up, to lock Messenger when someone (or me) runs it by clicking on shortcut.
Thanks a lot =)
RE: [Request] Lock messenger not at sign-in but when started by markee on 08-03-2006 at 05:56 AM
I don't think this can be done. Although script are global (all of them can be seen no matter which windows account or live id you are using) they're setting (on/off) is customisable and therefore will not be able to start until you sign-in. This is also the same with changing preferences of MP!L.
RE: [Request] Lock messenger not at sign-in but when started by cooldude_i06 on 08-03-2006 at 06:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by markee
I don't think this can be done. Although script are global (all of them can be seen no matter which windows account or live id you are using) they're setting (on/off) is customisable and therefore will not be able to start until you sign-in. This is also the same with changing preferences of MP!L.
No, scripts start when messenger starts, not when you sign in. That's why there's a Signin event and a Initialize Event, and is also the prime reason why some scripts mess up because they try to use the Messenger.MyEmail property under the Initialize Event.
Sorry if this is not what you were taking about.
RE: [Request] Lock messenger not at sign-in but when started by markee on 08-03-2006 at 06:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by cooldude_i06
quote: Originally posted by markee
I don't think this can be done. Although script are global (all of them can be seen no matter which windows account or live id you are using) they're setting (on/off) is customisable and therefore will not be able to start until you sign-in. This is also the same with changing preferences of MP!L.
No, scripts start when messenger starts, not when you sign in. That's why there's a Signin event and a Initialize Event, and is also the prime reason why some scripts mess up because they try to use the Messenger.MyEmail property under the Initialize Event.
Sorry if this is not what you were taking about.
Ok thanks for clearing that up for me. I wrote this script for you that atm will automatically lock messenger after a minuteif you aren't signed in withing that time, or are already signed in before the script starts. At least it was half of what you were after.
code: var lock = "lock";
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
MsgPlus.AddTimer("Start",60000)//change to length to wait until lock (in milliseconds)
function OnEvent_Signin(Email)
lock = ""
function OnEvent_Timer(TimerId)
if (TimerId == "Start")
if (lock == "lock")