Font Dialog - Enhanced Colour - Printable Version
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Font Dialog - Enhanced Colour by Dempsey on 08-07-2006 at 10:57 AM
As you know, Plus! replaces the colour combobox in the standard WLM font dialog, with the 'Enhanced Colour' picker. And when you change the colour, it updates the colour in the sample frame.
But when you manually create your own Font dialog in a script, Plus! detects the creation of it and subclasses it etc and adds the Enhanced colour picker to that as well, which is ok, except it doesn't update the colour of the sample. I know this is probably as it's not WLM that created or whatever, but I think one of two things needs to be done.
- Dont add the Enhanced colour picker to font dialogs created from scripts
- Add it, but also update the sample colour, as it does when WLM shows the dialog
Hope Patchou reads this and can give some feeback
RE: Font Dialog - Enhanced Colour by Patchou on 08-12-2006 at 05:40 PM
Hey Dempsey,
my guess is that it has something to do with the way you create your font window. Can you send me a sample script that shows the bug? I'll fix it on my side or tell you what's wrong in the code .
RE: Font Dialog - Enhanced Colour by Dempsey on 08-13-2006 at 01:32 AM
I'm guessing it's probably because I don't set some parts of the CHOOSEFONT structure correctly, here's the code I use:
code: function ChooseFont(){
var CF = Interop.Allocate(60);
CF.WriteDWORD(0, CF.Size); //lStructSize
CF.WriteDWORD(4, 0); //hwndOwner
CF.WriteDWORD(8, 0); //hDC
var LF = Interop.Allocate(92);
LF.WriteDWORD(0,0); //lfHeight
LF.WriteDWORD(4,0); //lfWidth
LF.WriteDWORD(8,0); //lfEscapement
LF.WriteDWORD(12,0); //lfOrientation
LF.WriteDWORD(16,0); //lfWeight
LF.SetAt(20,0); //lfItalic
LF.SetAt(21,0); //lfUnderline
LF.SetAt(22,0); //lfStrikethru
LF.SetAt(23,0); //lfCharSet
LF.SetAt(24,0); //lfOutPrecision
LF.SetAt(25,0); //lfClipPrecision
LF.SetAt(26,0); //lfQuality
LF.SetAt(27,0); //lfPitchAndFamily
LF.WriteString(28, ""); // lfFaceName
CF.WriteDWORD(12, LF.DataPtr); //LPLF
var iPointSize = Interop.Allocate(4);
CF.WriteDWORD(16, iPointSize.DataPtr); //iPointSize
CF.WriteDWORD(24, 0); // rgbColors
CF.WriteDWORD(28, 0); // lCustData
CF.WriteDWORD(32, 0); // lpfnHook
CF.WriteDWORD(36, 0); // lpTemplateName
CF.WriteDWORD(40, 0); // hInstance
var lpszStyle = Interop.Allocate(514);
CF.WriteDWORD(44, lpszStyle.DataPtr); // lpszStyle
CF.WriteWORD(48, 0x2000); // nFontType
CF.WriteDWORD(50, 0); // nSizeMin
CF.WriteDWORD(54, 0); // nSizeMax
var result = Interop.Call("comdlg32.dll", "ChooseFontW", CF);
if(result > 0){
Debug.Trace('Font: ' + LF.ReadString(28));
Debug.Trace('Size: ' + LF.ReadDWORD( 0));
//var weight = LF.ReadDWORD(16);
if (LF.ReadDWORD(16) == 700){
Debug.Trace('Bold: 1');
Debug.Trace('Bold: 0');
Debug.Trace('Italic: ' +LF.GetAt(20));
Debug.Trace('Underline: ' + LF.GetAt(21));
Debug.Trace('Strkethru: ' + LF.GetAt(22));
var error = Interop.Call('ComDlg32', 'CommDlgExtendedError');
if(error > 0){
//An error occurred, "error" contains the error code
//User closed font dialog
return LF;