
"Set Come Back Message" - Printable Version

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"Set Come Back Message" by mic180 on 08-15-2006 at 02:03 AM

does anyone know what happened to the feature "set come back message" when a contact is offline and you set the messeage so they recieve it as an auto message when they come online? i know the new windows live has an offline messaging system but i don' think it works if the other contact doesn't have it as well. where has this feature gooone? :(

RE: "Set Come Back Message" by prashker on 08-15-2006 at 02:04 AM

It has been replaced by Windows Live Messenger's Offline Messaging

Originally posted by mic180
i know the new windows live has an offline messaging system but i don' think it works if the other contact doesn't have it as well.

MSN Messenger 7.5 can recieve offline messages but not send them