
Auto Reply Message.. Contacts Display Pix - Printable Version

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Auto Reply Message.. Contacts Display Pix by MidoOnly on 09-26-2006 at 12:25 PM

hey every1..

i wanna ask about a couple of things..

1. how can i change the format (color and stuff) of my auto reply msg.. cant find it any where...

2. unlike the old messenger.. my contacts dont have there display pix beside their names on the messenger main window.. ho can i change that???

thnx a lot in advance...

RE: Auto Reply Message.. Contacts Display Pix by RaceProUK on 09-26-2006 at 10:50 PM

1. Add formatting tags as you would in normal messages.
2. There's a linkto a patch somewhere on this forum. Also, Mess Patch or A-Patch probably have that feature.

RE: Auto Reply Message.. Contacts Display Pix by MidoOnly on 09-26-2006 at 11:35 PM

yea i know i shud add fromatting tags.. but i cant find them.. i only find them applicable 4 normal msgs.. um using MP!L...