
Contacts on Desktop sizing - Printable Version

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Contacts on Desktop sizing by wimz on 12-11-2006 at 07:19 PM

I use the contacts on desktop to put my most used contacts at the top of my screen a bit off the right side.

This allows me to still click the min/maximize and close button.

Currently you can adjust the width of these buttons.  I'd like to be able to also reduce the height, so that it is easier to get to close buttons that sit just behnd these contact buttons.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by Chris4 on 12-11-2006 at 08:37 PM

It might be easier if you took a screenshot of what you mean (print screen button > paste into paint > save > upload to forum).

I'm guessing that reducing the height would make it hard to read, that's why it isn't included.

The best option would be to move them to a different location on your screen.
I have mine at the bottom of the screen, above the task bar, in the middle.

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm sure it will be considered.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by wimz on 12-11-2006 at 09:21 PM

Thanks for the suggestion.

I normally have transparancy set to a level that the buttons are just visible and offline status hides them.

The pic shows a window that is normal full screen and one that is with the title bar at the top of the screen.  The buttons disappear behind the contact's button.  When my mouse hoovers to click the close button, you can;t get to it till you move the window around.  If the contact button would be shorter, the close button would hang below it.

Possibly in combination with adjustable font size, it could be done.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by Jesus on 12-11-2006 at 09:32 PM

Nice suggestion, especially when it will include multiline support (maybe even options for vertical alignment/text direction)

For the time being, you can middle-click on a desktop contact to hide it for a few seconds, allowing you to access the buttons underneath it.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by wimz on 12-12-2006 at 04:35 PM

What do you mean by "middle click".   

On my Mousewheel mouse, I don't have a middle click option.

I tried to click in the middle, and that did not do anything either.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by Jesus on 12-12-2006 at 04:39 PM

I meant clicking with the middle mouse button.
In my case it's my mousewheel.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by Patchou on 12-13-2006 at 05:57 PM

for those interested, you can modify the width (or the complete look of the window for that matter) by changing the corresponding interface file (extract it from the resources) and put it back in the Interface directory.

RE: Contacts on Desktop sizing by CookieRevised on 12-13-2006 at 06:59 PM

What you can do, Wimz, is moving your most right contact a bit to the left so all three window buttons are always visible. I don't see why this wouldn't be possible since you already have moved the contacts a bit to the left.


Or you can do as Jesus suggested. With the new versions of Messenger Plus! Live you can middle click on the desktop contact to hide it for a couple of seconds. If you don't have a middle mouse button, you often will find that the scrollwheel on your mouse acts like the middle button and is clickable. If that isn't possible either, try to click both the left and right mouse button at the same time.
But remember to click on the desktop contact itself.


To alter the look of the desktop contacts like Patchou suggested, you need to first extract the interface file called "INTERFACE1" out of the resource section "INTERFACES" of the file called "MsgPlusLiveRes.dll".

To do this you can use an resource editor like Resource Hacker.

After you've extracted the XML file you open it and copy/paste the sections:
<Window Id="FloatingWnd.1" Version="1"> (= window without second line)
<Window Id="FloatingWnd.2" Version="1"> (= window with second line)
into a new, proper XML file.

Edit it to your likings (use the Official Scripting Documentation > XML Schemas Reference > Interface Windows > Schema Documentation as guideline) and save the new file as "floating.xml", or the likes, into the "Interface" subdirectory of Plus! Live.

The file attached in the zipfile is this new XML which I already extracted for you so you can just start editing it. Remember to save it as Unicode and put it in the "Interface" subdirectory of Plus! Live.