
unwanted adverts - Printable Version

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unwanted adverts by polly perkins on 02-05-2007 at 03:37 PM

hiya all hope someone can help. i downloads messanger plus 3 days ago and ever since when i open up my browser i get adverts popping up in the background for either dating or online casinos. when i installed msgrplus i did not intall the sponsor. These are not pop-ups they are coming via internet explorer. what can i do to stop them

RE: unwanted adverts by Zahid™ on 02-05-2007 at 03:49 PM

Are you sure you never installed the sponser? Go to Control Panel> Add/Remove Programs and check if it says "Messenger Plus! Live & Sponsor"

RE: unwanted adverts by Menthix on 02-05-2007 at 03:56 PM

Like Zahid said: Go to the control panel -> Add/Remove Programs and see if either "Messenger Plus! Live & Sponsor" or "Messenger Plus! Live" is listed. If it says "Messenger Plus! Live & Sponsor" you accidentally did install the Plus! sponsor. In that case, follow the removal instructions in How to uninstall ad-ware/sponsor.

If Plus! is listed without the sponsor then the advertisements are coming from somewhere else. Messenger Plus! is not the only software that bundles adware, there are thousand of other applications and sites that could have installed it. I suggest you see if anything is listed in "Add/Remove Programs" that might uninstall the adware, otherwise use an adware scanner like Ad-Aware.

RE: unwanted adverts by polly perkins on 02-05-2007 at 05:52 PM

hiya thnx but i already checked Add/Remove & it's deff not there. i have not installed anything else & only been having these probs for 3 days.. about 10 mins after i installed plus this is the second time i installed it 1st time i did install with sponsor. i then went & completely uninstalled then i redone it without sponsor

RE: unwanted adverts by duck! on 02-05-2007 at 05:59 PM

Since its not there you should check for ad-ware using Ad-aware Also get Spybot S&D to check for spyware, and i think when you install the sponsor it installs it somewhere else. (correct me if im wrong)

RE: unwanted adverts by Voldemort on 02-05-2007 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by polly perkins
hiya thnx but i already checked Add/Remove & it's deff not there. i have not installed anything else & only been having these probs for 3 days.. about 10 mins after i installed plus this is the second time i installed it 1st time i did install with sponsor. i then went & completely uninstalled then i redone it without sponsor
If you did not accept the sponsor it will not install, I assure you.
If its not with Msg Plus! in Add & Remove programs then it is not Msg Plus' fault.
Try an adware/spyware scan.