
V8.1 Constantly logging off - Printable Version

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V8.1 Constantly logging off by darkan9el on 02-12-2007 at 11:19 PM

Hi all, up till now MSN 8.0 has been very stable, but since updating to v8.1 it will not stop logging off and then eventually back on rendering it totally useless. You cannot have a conversation, because after 5mins your ready to throw the PC out of the window. I would class myself as an advanced PC user, but up to yet this has me stumped

Things I've done:

  • Uninstalled v8.1 completely - reg entries, cache etc
  • Uninstalled ZAISS, although ZAISS has never been a problem.
  • ZAISS is now installed again and operates correctly with every other Chat program I have installed
  • Downgraded to 7.5 then 8.0 but both do the same as v8.1 now
  • Linksys Router is configured correctly
  • I also use Skype and it works flawlessly
  • Tried Yahoo Messenger and it works fine
  • I have ATI drivers, as I have heard Nvidia drivers can cause this behaviour
  • XP is up to date

Any Idea's?

ZAISS = (Zone Alarm Internet Security)
RE: V8.1 Constantly logging off by vaccination on 02-13-2007 at 04:13 PM

I'm pretty sure it's just server-side issues, which basically means there's nothing you can do.(except complain to MS =P)

Quite a few people are experiencing it at the moment it would seem, a lot of my friends are having troubles, and I was last week.

RE: V8.1 Constantly logging off by darkan9el on 02-14-2007 at 05:44 PM

Dropped to Version 8.0 and rebooted, no log outs thus far, been 24 hours so i think its a bit of server side and 8.1 upgrade