
Now Playing bug..? - Printable Version

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Now Playing bug..? by ChainsawSakura on 03-02-2007 at 04:25 AM

Hi all, first time poster here! I recently encountered some trouble with my Now Playing script... I want to display my song in my personal message, and even though I have checked the correct boxes, reinstalled the script AND winamp, and restarted Msn, I still cannot get it to show up in my name...Anyone have any idea what could be going on here...? Thanks so much!

RE: Now Playing bug..? by Felu on 03-02-2007 at 04:31 AM

Check if Tools > Options > Personal > Show Song information from Windows Media Player as a personal message is ticked.

Yes even if it says Windows Media Player you need to tick it to let Now Playing Script set the Now Playing PSM :).

RE: Now Playing bug..? by ChainsawSakura on 03-02-2007 at 04:36 AM

Oh my word! Thank you so much! You might wanna head on over to the Now Playing thread and give them that little tidbit of info..a lot of ppl are asking the same question XD Thanks again!