
Encrypted logs BUG? - Printable Version

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Encrypted logs BUG? by rguevara on 03-08-2007 at 12:40 AM


I am using encrypted logs to protected my chats from eavesdroppers. I found a problem, that you can see the IM text that are sent since you sign in that computer with a password requirement. I think it is a decision of commodity vs security but sometimes when you are paranoid you think it is a bug.

RE: Encrypted logs BUG? by Patchou on 03-08-2007 at 01:02 AM

I'm not sure I understand the problem exactly... logs that are encrypted absolutely require a password to be viewed. Maybe you're referring to the logging option of Messenger itself?

RE: Encrypted logs BUG? by rguevara on 03-09-2007 at 11:30 PM

I left out some text,

I found a problem, that you can see the IM text that are sent since you sign in that computer without a password requirement by pressing CTRL+UP.

in a chat window

RE: Encrypted logs BUG? by CookieRevised on 03-09-2007 at 11:54 PM

When you restart Messenger the chat history is deleted. It is never stored anywhere other than in the current memory of Messenger. As such, I don't see any problem with that. Just don't leave your Messenger open when you're away...

It's like leaving the doors of your car wide open when you go into the shop.... At least close the door and lock it; aka: at least close messenger and if possible log out of Windows.

RE: Encrypted logs BUG? by Patchou on 03-10-2007 at 01:19 AM

If you don't want the Previous Message Recall feature to be enabled (the thing that displays with you press Ctrl+Up), use the EnablePreviousRecall setting documented at .

Although, as Cookie just said, this is just kept in memory, temporarily. The list of messages disappear when you close Messenger or sign in with a different account.

RE: Encrypted logs BUG? by rguevara on 03-12-2007 at 07:33 PM

ok, thanks